Friday, November 7

TSJCC Xmas newsletter - a very important means of communication and one which we should all contribute. To move progress it has been nominated, seconded, passed, agreed (whatever) that the new editor of the newsletter is to be Mike Ainscoe and it is hoped that he shows the same gusto as he did when painting the fence! (although we also hope that the newsletter will be finished at some point...). To this end, if anyone wishes to contirbute (jokes, TSJ anecdotes, cricketing stories, fund raising issues, constitutional issues, Club Development opportunities, personal comment, etc) either with a fully written piece or with just bulletted points of view - you can email Mike on or you can pass the information on to me or Clive. This is Mike's shout, but I feel that all info should be in by end of November with publication date prior to Xmas.