Wednesday, March 24

In case there's anyone out there who didn't make the AGM, there were quite a few interesting points to take from last night.

1. Cyril

Firstly, can I echo Dickie P's comments. It was wonderful to see Cyril there and looking in better health. The little presentation for him was quite moving and he fully deserved that standing ovation. Brilliant stuff.

2. Rowdy

Good also to see Rowdy Yates there and delighted to hear he's back and playing this season. Also particulaly good to see him back as the butt of all jokes e.g. Keith: "Onto number 11", Mozzer: "Rowdy!"

3. New treasurer

Cyril's stepping down opened up a new position for club treasurer, a position of great responsibility, and one which requires dedication, some mathematical skill and a fair amount of hard work. In the absence of anyone suitable, Matt Cotton has been appointed!

4. Club officials for 2004

President, Chairman, Secretary, CDO all unchanged
Matt to replace Cyril as Treasurer

5. Captains

No need for Clive's voting slips here as all elections were unanimous.

1st XI Captain - Paul
1st XI Vice - CDO
2nd XI Captain - Mozzer
2nd XI Vice - Micky Jones

which of course will cause some massive fights no doubt as both 2nd XI appointees are in my first choice XI ;-)

6. Match Fees

After about 10 years unchanged at 5 quid, fees have finally gone up. It was stressed quite heavily by several parties that in the coming couple of years we're facing much larger outgoings, with the rent on the lease kicking in, and so on. Having discussed various options, Mozzer proposed a great idea.

Match fees are raised to 7 pounds per game BUT this includes an automatic 1 pound entry into the weekly bonus ball draw. That solves two issues - a) the need to bring in more money and b) the decreased uptake of bonus ball entries last year. Now at least we'll all get the chance to win back our match fees!

It was pointed out that the fee of 7 pound sis more in line with other clubs, and we still remain (just about majority-wise) opposed to membership subscriptions, which quite often dissuades the casual player.

7. Pre-season work at the ground

Ground work is needed on the following three weekends. March 27/28, April 3/4 and April 17/18. i.e. the four weeks leading up to the season less the Easter weekend.

A good turnous overall, up on recent years and great to see that Dasher Deegan is STILL an icon! ;-)

Anyone got anything else to add?