Friday, October 14

Don't Understand?

By whom have you been so accused, Scoop?

I can tell you one enormous difference, and that was that last week I played even though I'd been off work sick for three days with a very bad bug and had 0 energy and very little will to live. Essentially the whites played a man down last time - plus we had Mitchy playing his first game and being a bit of a free spirit!! Last night, we were all fit and well and we played some top football.

In my view, the other difference last night was finishing, simple as that. We had about even numbers of chances, our finishing ratio was tons and tons better, that's all. The game itself was pretty even - and very good quality. Matt and Richard especially played well for the R-Ts; Richard's improvement over the past 3 weeks has been enormous.

Obviously Will made a difference but I don't think had he and Cliff switched sides it would have made so much of a difference - at least not so much that you can be accused of "fixing". Outrageous.