Thursday, December 27

Boxing Day Pics

Hey all,

A few pics from Boxing Day and our success against Brox. Enjoy!

You won't get any keys in there!

Two players inspecting their boxes ...

Kie and Dash brandishing their blades!

TSJ's Christmas party animals

Nelly B strikes out ... check out where the ball is though!

That'll be 50p for teapotting, Cotters!

Mr Chairman and his serf

Dickie P in unfamiliar pose ... not on his arse!

Shot of the day (in both senses). Ash launches the ball over the trees!

Sir Nicholas Garvey Hudson, looking slightly cold

Monday, December 24

I'd hang on to it if I were you Darth, you might see the light and come back!!
see you Weds!!!!

Sunday, December 23

Message from the other side!


I've still got mine so if anybody needs that i'll bring it along just in case.

Merry Christmas and i'll see you all on Boxing Day.


Friday, December 21


cheers mike,

will take them off your hands, can sort out the ''............'' on the day

20/20 kit

Hunty (and anyone else)

I have a 20/20 shirt and sleevless which to be honest I haven't used and am unlikely to use. Its Med size I thin - slim enough for my frame and probably OK for you Matt. Only has my initilas on the labels and is yours for..........let me know and I'll bring them down on Boxing day.
Sorry - no pants!!!!



Any spare kits going?

Boxing Day

Meet 10 30 for 11 start, wear the blue kit.

Team: Ash, Cdo, Russ, Paul, Nelly, Matt H,
Richard P, Dasher, Pete A, Boris, Phil M.

Reserves - Asif, Clive, Mike J.

Any cry offs call me or comittee.

Have a merry xmas everybody

Monday, December 17

Rowdy - Your Programmes!

Rowdy, I have your programmes for Boxing Day, courtesy of Duncan. Can you email me or text and let me know what you want me to do with them (polite suggestions only ...)

Friday, December 14

Boxing Day Squad

Ashley, CDO, Paul, Nelly, Russel, Clive,
Pete A, Matt H, Phil M, Dasher, Boris,
Richard, Mike J.

If i've missed anyone off I apologise. Thanks
for everyone who has made themselves available,
we can only choose 11 but I know a couple of people
are quite happy to have a few beers instead of

I will give everyone a call before the event to confirm

Tuesday, December 11

Latest 100 Club Winners

Congratulations to our November/December 100 Club Winners!


£50 Anna Phillips (c/o Duncan Phillips)
£30 Rachel Brooks
£20 Stuart Hunter


£50 [tbc]
£30 Marjorie Yates (via Phil)
£20 Matt Hunt