Friday, November 28
Only because you had the new guy (and I don't mean the new guy - I mean the one who, when he plays for us, couldn't hit a barn door).
Dicky P. you are a turncoat, a bounder and a cad to boot!
Dicky P. you are a turncoat, a bounder and a cad to boot!
Thursday, November 27
So its Lancashire day and all you can think of is to trash the white rose....
Non - sensical rant (at least I can spell - trailer trash).
In the words of a crap "comedian" - what a gay day!
Non - sensical rant (at least I can spell - trailer trash).
In the words of a crap "comedian" - what a gay day!
just had a look at your friends yorkshit (sorry couldnt resist, after all it is Lancashire day) soul site and it is quiet witty and dare i say entertaining but it seems that only "mike" posts anything. at least there are other contributors to tsjcc site occasionly. if not lardy and cdo are always good for a non-sencical rant.
just had a look at your friends yorkshit (sorry couldnt resist, after all it is Lancashire day) soul site and it is quiet witty and dare i say entertaining but it seems that only "mike" posts anything. at least there are other contributors to tsjcc site occasionly. if not lardy and cdo are always good for a non-sencical rant.
I put it on really for casual readers (ie non-TSJ people) to be able to add stuff. I know at least 20 people who read the site regularly.
I can take it off it ppl don't think it's useful?
Andy's mate Mick does a great blog over at Yorkshire Soul - his comments are well-used and funny!
Enjoy footy tonight!
I put it on really for casual readers (ie non-TSJ people) to be able to add stuff. I know at least 20 people who read the site regularly.
I can take it off it ppl don't think it's useful?
Andy's mate Mick does a great blog over at Yorkshire Soul - his comments are well-used and funny!
Enjoy footy tonight!
This comments lark don't work for me - breaks up the flow of the conversation to the occassional viewer. We will end up with different topics of conversation going on at the same time and I'm a simple lad!! Don't know what other people think but I'm of the opinion that if it isn't broke don't fix it??
See you tonight
This comments lark don't work for me - breaks up the flow of the conversation to the occassional viewer. We will end up with different topics of conversation going on at the same time and I'm a simple lad!! Don't know what other people think but I'm of the opinion that if it isn't broke don't fix it??
See you tonight
Wednesday, November 26
Tuesday, November 25
Matt - does that mean you want a new frame, replaced glass or the frame and picture without the glass? Any of these is OK by me..........
You'll note I've added a little comments link which will automatically appear below every post, in case anyone without admin access wants to post a comment on any entry - or indeed if we do without wanting to log in ... hope it's useful.
You'll note I've added a little comments link which will automatically appear below every post, in case anyone without admin access wants to post a comment on any entry - or indeed if we do without wanting to log in ... hope it's useful.
Don't worry about it was only a cheap thing! If your at footy on thursday i can pop down after college and collect it. I can get there for about 9.15 if your stuggling for numbers!
Matt - is the frame a family heirloom? I've broken glass.....sorry! I can either replace glass or whole frame - please advise......
A sarcasm-free blog.
A sarcasm-free blog.
Monday, November 24
Hello Everyone not blogged for a while how is everyone? Its a pity I won't be able to play footy for a while because of college but hey I've got to get qualified!
CDO have you finished with that photograph yet? My Mantle piece is not the same without it!!!
CDO have you finished with that photograph yet? My Mantle piece is not the same without it!!!
got to be so defensive these days, so many sarcastic people about - terrible isn't it!
Kick you later, Kieran.
Kick you later, Kieran.
Before the comments start - of course I won't see the ones who can't make it on Thursday but will see eveyone else.
With a few people unavailable and a few people returning I though I would detail Thursdays team as I see it...
Captain Peacock
The Hud
A N Other
I am sorting the A N Other with Clive and again feel this number should be tolerated for a week with 3 regulars back the week after. Please let me know if you can't make it and I will see you on Thursday.
With a few people unavailable and a few people returning I though I would detail Thursdays team as I see it...
Captain Peacock
The Hud
A N Other
I am sorting the A N Other with Clive and again feel this number should be tolerated for a week with 3 regulars back the week after. Please let me know if you can't make it and I will see you on Thursday.
Wednesday, November 19
Tuesday, November 18
Re Football
Thank you to Keiran, Clive and Craig for there early warning re non attendance on Thursday. Ashley is also not now available until after Xmas. By my reckoning that leaves us with 7 (assuming someone can pick up young Jedi).
I will do some phoning round but my intention is only to get the number to about 8. I feel we should accept a lower number for one week (it should be a good workout) rather than invite lots of new people to make up the numbers and then be left with 16 people next week when our regulars return.
I hope the 'other' regulars agree with my stance but please feel free to contact me via phone or on this site with any views.
See the rest of you on Thursday and obviously anyone else who may not be able to make it please let me know.
Thank you to Keiran, Clive and Craig for there early warning re non attendance on Thursday. Ashley is also not now available until after Xmas. By my reckoning that leaves us with 7 (assuming someone can pick up young Jedi).
I will do some phoning round but my intention is only to get the number to about 8. I feel we should accept a lower number for one week (it should be a good workout) rather than invite lots of new people to make up the numbers and then be left with 16 people next week when our regulars return.
I hope the 'other' regulars agree with my stance but please feel free to contact me via phone or on this site with any views.
See the rest of you on Thursday and obviously anyone else who may not be able to make it please let me know.
Sorry Ricardo I am on that course!! I don't think i'm going to be able to play until the new year probably around feb time! Sh@t isn't it!!
I'm struggling to make Thursday as well. Currently off sick and not looking good for rest of week. Any volunteers to pick up young Jedi otherwise that might be other one down ?
What's happened to Skudders ? Answers on a postcard please.
What's happened to Skudders ? Answers on a postcard please.
Unfortunately, I cannot make 5-a-side this Thursday - I have to go to Rugby training as I'm in 1st team (missed last night through being in Cambridge). I am going to try to go next Monday instead though, to free up Thursday night (have to go min. of one a week). I'll be fit, but divorced!
Sorry for any inconvenience with numbers...
Sorry for any inconvenience with numbers...
Thursday, November 13
I don't care if it appeases you or accarrotses you, you're still in for a hiding tonight. And we'll beat you at footy too ;-)
You may note I've removed your duplicate posts. To do this yourself, click on Edit, then a delete link appears! Isn't I.T. great?
well spotted, Doc - it may be because the blog publishes itself before I edit - thus the small additions (! to Kerrang, etc). What happened was I had to come off the blog whilst creating - it then publishes itself....I HATE I.T. I'll take my aggression out tonight....
"Pull back, Craig go left, Paul go right"
Just had a message from Jedi - he's going to turn up and do his favourite impression ...
btw, KC, why did you submit two near-identical (but slightly different) messages!? Are you losing it in your old age?
Just had a message from Jedi - he's going to turn up and do his favourite impression ...

btw, KC, why did you submit two near-identical (but slightly different) messages!? Are you losing it in your old age?
I hope to god the newsletter contains more relevant material than your blogs - that's to both you over-educated, Kerrang! reading smellies!
Never mind Meat Loaf in any event - it's postponed!!!! Who the heck are "Spocks Beard" - presumably they have lived long and are prosperous.
So andy and I will be there tonight. Whites unite once again. "come short, craig"! Excellent.
So andy and I will be there tonight. Whites unite once again. "come short, craig"! Excellent.
Wednesday, November 12
Paul - never mind the mighty MeatLoaf. Those in the know will be at the Academy on Thursday to see the truly God-like Neal Morse (of Spocks Beard/Transatlantic fame) performing his epic 'Testimony' work, accompanied no less by his drummer pal (from Dream Theater) the even more God-like Mike Portnoy. Now that's what I call...........
Tuesday, November 11
Just to let you know that Andy and I won't be at footy on Thursday either - we're off to see the mighty Meat Loaf at the MEN Arena! Rock and roll ...
Dear me Dr P!!
Can't attend footy on thursday I've got to go into college.
So I'm not too sure about availability for the near future because I might need to attend college every thursday until x mas but i'll let you all know!
Can't attend footy on thursday I've got to go into college.
So I'm not too sure about availability for the near future because I might need to attend college every thursday until x mas but i'll let you all know!
Monday, November 10
Friday, November 7
How old was Mike Summerbee in that film? And has anyone worked out who young Jedi is yet? My ankles haven't been the same since he started playing.
Stallone = Steve (incoherent and grumpy; Pele = me (hung like a ...); Moore = Cotters - looks like he could have robbed some jewellery!
TSJCC Xmas newsletter - a very important means of communication and one which we should all contribute. To move progress it has been nominated, seconded, passed, agreed (whatever) that the new editor of the newsletter is to be Mike Ainscoe and it is hoped that he shows the same gusto as he did when painting the fence! (although we also hope that the newsletter will be finished at some point...). To this end, if anyone wishes to contirbute (jokes, TSJ anecdotes, cricketing stories, fund raising issues, constitutional issues, Club Development opportunities, personal comment, etc) either with a fully written piece or with just bulletted points of view - you can email Mike on or you can pass the information on to me or Clive. This is Mike's shout, but I feel that all info should be in by end of November with publication date prior to Xmas.
and there was me thinking I was paying the whites a compliment.....Also there were parallels with our side (the allies) - rag, tag and bobtail, thrown together old, knackered and has-been and unsure as to whether to come out again at half time!
Can't believe you are calling me geek, Doc P (KC = speechless for once...).
Did anyone see Escape to Victory last night? - so many parallels with our 5-a-side (I'll leave it to the individual to decide which team was representative of the Germans.. clean, matching kit, dirty, disciplined and good at football....)
Did anyone see Escape to Victory last night? - so many parallels with our 5-a-side (I'll leave it to the individual to decide which team was representative of the Germans.. clean, matching kit, dirty, disciplined and good at football....)
Thursday, November 6
i take it footy is on tonight then, cheers craig for the message last week. i'll try and make it but i wouldn't hold your breath. not signed up yet doc, medical next thursday.
Oi, if anyone's going to be making stupid calls it'll be me ...
Home game:
DrP: "Right, you call"
Opposition: "Heads. Right, we'll bat"
DrP: "ARSE!"
Away game:
Opposition: "Right, you call"
DrP: "Heads"
Opposition: "Right, we'll bat"
DrP: "ARSE!"
Home game:
DrP: "Right, you call"
Opposition: "Heads. Right, we'll bat"
DrP: "ARSE!"
Away game:
Opposition: "Right, you call"
DrP: "Heads"
Opposition: "Right, we'll bat"
DrP: "ARSE!"
1. "One Step Beyond" - Osama Bin Lardy and the Noballers
2. "Money money money" - Cyril's Wallet
3. "Build Me Up Buttercup" - Dickie P and the Flower Girls
4. "In the Army Now" - Nick Fletcher feat. TA Recruiters
5. "Can You Feel the Force?" - Young Jedi
6. "Toss It Up (You Lost Again TSJ Mix)" - Notorious DRP
7. "Pour Some Sugar On Me" - the Totty Tea Ladies
8. "Sultans of Swing" - Smiffy and Mozzer
9. "Blame it on the Rain" - Groundsman Cliff
10. "Run like hell" - Rowdy Yates
On a related note, I came across this fantastic selection of "worst country music song titles ever" - my personal favourite is:
"If My Nose Were Full of Nickels, I'd Blow It All On You"
1. "One Step Beyond" - Osama Bin Lardy and the Noballers
2. "Money money money" - Cyril's Wallet
3. "Build Me Up Buttercup" - Dickie P and the Flower Girls
4. "In the Army Now" - Nick Fletcher feat. TA Recruiters
5. "Can You Feel the Force?" - Young Jedi
6. "Toss It Up (You Lost Again TSJ Mix)" - Notorious DRP
7. "Pour Some Sugar On Me" - the Totty Tea Ladies
8. "Sultans of Swing" - Smiffy and Mozzer
9. "Blame it on the Rain" - Groundsman Cliff
10. "Run like hell" - Rowdy Yates
On a related note, I came across this fantastic selection of "worst country music song titles ever" - my personal favourite is:
"If My Nose Were Full of Nickels, I'd Blow It All On You"
Wednesday, November 5
That's a top idea.
Email me and I'll do some stuff for you. You should also consider a "best of the web" bit, print some of the highlights from this site over the past 6 months ... eg the banter between CDO and Matt, that Meccano picture, comments of the season, etc.
Happy to contribute! ;-)
Email me and I'll do some stuff for you. You should also consider a "best of the web" bit, print some of the highlights from this site over the past 6 months ... eg the banter between CDO and Matt, that Meccano picture, comments of the season, etc.
Happy to contribute! ;-)
Xmas newsletter: We are going to publish (paper/e-mail) a xmas newsletter and would like for any/all to participate - if you want a say in what appears or would like to pen a piece - please contact me or Clive. We feel that this is important, not only to keep communication momentum going but also to set the scene for the coming season - please participate with humorous/serious views - does not have to be cricket related (but it would help!).
Tuesday, November 4
Fantastic! It's the TSJCC website in reverse!
Monday, November 3
Yes there is, 8pm at Dungeon. I will have to send my apologies to Cliff, as I'm unable to attend. Have fun!
Great Evanescence gig at the Apollo on Friday, thanks to Nick F for kindly using my spare ticket; lots of goths in attendance, good live sound, particularly Amy Lee, the singer, crowd was manic downstairs!
Yes there is, 8pm at Dungeon. I will have to send my apologies to Cliff, as I'm unable to attend. Have fun!
Great Evanescence gig at the Apollo on Friday, thanks to Nick F for kindly using my spare ticket; lots of goths in attendance, good live sound, particularly Amy Lee, the singer, crowd was manic downstairs!