Wednesday, December 31

well i've just been looking through the new year's honour list and i couldn't see cyril's name anywhere. do you think we should make enquires for anomination for services to money collecting!!
hope everyone enjoys tonight, all the best for the new year.
oh hello to nick 'cantona' hudson. is cantona a referances to his thursday night footy skills or terrible tackling and general violence on the field of play?
Welcome to Nick Hudson who has posted in our guestbook - you are very welcome, Garvey!

Happy New Year all!!

Tuesday, December 23

Paul, although I have no pride in knowing it, I know it was from the 'ditty'. Still - your bell end is not welcome!
Fair enough each to there own, anyway merry x mas ! See you all soon.
Gents, as my final parting gift to you, look what I just uncovered. CDO, you're a rogue, a charlatan and a closet darkness addict! What say you to this?


If you look closely at the new little logo thing I've devised above, the letter 'l' is sticking up your a**e!! Now that's darkness for you (btw 'don't let the bells end' is from the Darkness ditty!)

Merry Xmas one and all, going offline for Crimble now.
keep your bell end to yourself, Paul!
Matt, at 36 I know what I like and it aint The Darkness - I could listen to the album, I could stick ##ckin' pins in me legs - I don't know which would give me more pleasure. As to understanding them - if ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise - ie stick yer poncy, tight wearing nonce-rock up yer jacksy - come on and merry xmas my friend.
Christmas time ... don't let the bells end! Merry Christmas everyone!
Obviously you don't understand them? Have you heard the album?? If not please don't comment!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!
The Darkness ARE ARSE. Can't even get Christmas No. 1 when other pants have (Cliff/Slade?add your own in here...). Lads - this has been done before, they are not original, they are pathetic (does the lead singer remind anyone else of Jerry Sadowic?). ARSE, ARSE, ARSE....oh yeh & merry xmas to all.
merry christmas and happy new year to all. hopefully the club can build on the progress and success of this year on and off the field. heres to 2004 and more success and fun.

Monday, December 22

Q: Why did Santa's helper become depressed?
A: Because he had low elf esteem!

Q: How do we know Santa's a keen gardener?
A: Because he loves to ho(e) ho(e) ho(e)!

There's definitely a more adult version of the latter joke in there somewhere!
Very disappointed in you Mr Ainscoe!
Sorry Osama - I'm with the CDO on the music side (and of course, classic 70's prog stuff).
Obviousley very poor taste in music CDO!! Anyway its my last day in work so i can't access the site until jan 5th so are we going out on the 27th then?

Saturday, December 20

Hello boys
Yes indeed, the newsletter is about to go. I'm just about to add the 100 club winners and club sponsors and Clive should be able to be on his rounds straight after Xmas. If anyone has difficulty understanding the 'Peacock' reference, then just ask Kieran (I had to explain it to him).
Happy holidays!!!!!

Friday, December 19

The Darkness = ARSE ......ACDC would eat 'em for breakfast ..... difference between Rugby and Soccer (poncy glam-rock woofters). Typical of you to be discussing Dirty Dancing and The Darkness in same blogs....Come on!
I'm so ashamed that i know this!!! Dirty Dancing. I hang my head in shame!
NO-ONE puts baby in the corner! No sorry, completely different film (points for anyone who knows what it is).

I tend not to go for popcorn, though I am averse to sharing my minstrels with anyone!

Let me know when you fancy going if you have no-one to go with. I have two unlimited passes for UGC Bolton.

Forget 2, it's 10x better!;-)
Dr P

Sounds like a good one to finish the series off. I'm probably going to go when the cinema dies down a bit.

I missed the second one at the cinema but i've watched it on DVD and its fantastic!!

Dickie i think you need to widen your musical tastes and get into the modern era! The Darkness pure class, rocktastic if you will!!
Morning chaps.

Dickie - if you don't know who the Darkness are, you probably want to tune in that old crystal set of yours to something a little more uptempo!

Went to see "Return of the King" last night and sat there pretty much gobsmacked for the entire 3 hours 20 minutes. Never seen anything like it. Ever. If you don't see this movie on the big screen, you are missing the greatest cinematic experience you can get. Go now!! A word of caution to anyone intending to take their kids - it's a 12A and there are some pretty gruesome and scary scenes.

Thursday, December 18

Spoken to Mike Jones tonight. He wants me to let everyone know that he & Rowdy are going out for a few beers on Saturday night. If anyone wants to join them they are more than welcome. Either post a blog here and I will pass the message on or non-bloggers can send me an email on

I am also thinking of joining them for a while (that's enough to stop anyone else from going !!)

Kieran - Not available on Sat 27th Dec but available any other time.
remember to buy "The Darkness" x mas single so they can get to No 1!!!!!
Merry x mas everybody and good will to all men!! I'm always available for a few cheeky bifters over the festive period!! The Saturday night sounds the best to me! I've just got over the humiliation of last saturday and can now just about show my face!! If something gets organised let me know!


Big Russ! Merry Xmas! and same to all other bloggers. Mike is v. close to finishing newsletter - probably needs your help, Clive, in distribution. Still reckon we can slip out for a few scoops over yuletide - poss dates everyone? mine are sat 27th/ sun 28th/ fri 2nd.
Scoop - apols for late notice, but if required I have a pass out for tonight. I think my foot will stand up to it. Let me know.

Tuesday, December 16

Any of us for a start - and we wouldn't have to be paid 2 grand a week to serve up that garbage.
How can that be good news?? Who would do a better job with the money available??
Preece OUT!

He's gone!!!! fantastic. Now just get shut of Graham Barrow and Bury can start to repair the damage ...
Hi Scoop,

Yup, Andy's ok. I checked with him yesterday and gave him your email too, so assume he'll contact you directly. I wouldn't bet against the swearing at the pictures ... but then again if Ashley's there there might be!! ;-)
Morning All...

Must be a record - I count 7 people unavailable from last week!!!!

Thanks for the early notice Paul - is Andy available?? At least you won't get sworn at 11 times at the pictures.

The team (assuming Andy available):

Me (swears at friends and generally not very nice it would appear)
CDO (generally crap)
Andy (improving - must be, I only slagged him off 9 times last week)
Nick Hud
Dickie P - are you available?? - we need you!!
Mark (needs a good kicking to bring him down to our level)
Matt A (will get a good kicking)

If Andy unavailable then I will draft in Clive. If both Andy and Dickie unavailable then we're f***ed.

Please let me know you're availability gents sooner rather than later.

Scoop - bad news/good news - I'm in 1st team again! - good news = I'm not available for 5-a-side therefore - soz (thought that I'd be dropped after last game -I played like a 36 year old....).

Monday, December 15

Morning chaps.

Well I feel positive and much cheerier after a good weekend, now the Xmas decorations are up, it's all festive!

Scoop, can't do footy this week, as I have now got plans to see Return of the King with some friends - highlight of the year cinematically without a shadow of a doubt!

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all. Hope you and your families have a wonderful time, get lots of nice things, don't fall out with the distant relatives (or the close ones ;-)), and are raring to go for what promises to be an exciting 2004.

As a club there are weddings, at least 2 new arrivals and much more on the cards for next year - let's make it as happy and successful as last season eh?

To everyone who has turned up at soccer, a big thank you, and a continued cheer to Scoop and Dickie P for getting the extra-curricular stuff like footy organised. A special mention from me to CDO and Cliff who kept me sane during the season, and of course to all the team for their excellent second half performance. Some magic memories in 2003.

Plus all you websiters - it's been great fun!

Sunday, December 14

A few weeks ago there was talk about getting together one Saturday night for drinks and / or meal before Christmas.
Anyone free next Saturday ? Let me know your availability and why not invite wives and partners if you want to !!

Friday, December 12

You're learning, Matt. I don't know what all the fuss was about - I missed a week and really enjoyed it last night! The only thing serious about it was that we were SERIOUSLY CRAP. Expectations are a funny thing - if they are too high.....Take a leaf out of my book "If ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise" - in other words just enjoy it for what it is - an opportunity get a sweat on and score one goal out of twenty attempts!
Pitched up!! Whats that then?

Looking forward to tomorrow can't wait to watch the mighty blue boys beat mcr utd. Notice CDO i've put mcr in front of utd b4 you start moaning!!
The first cricket net this next year might be very interesting. Just don't assume the ball will be pitched up much.
well boys got to say i enjoyed the run out although i am now sporting two huge blister on my feet. no one mentioned the great amount of encouragement that one receives from ones team mates about any mistakes made. i hope mozzas ok. have to protest my innocence, i was just a little late with the odd challage. very doubtfull for next time.
Its a tempting offer craig but unfortunately i'll have to decline. I have two exams next week!

That just about sums it up - I can still hear the sound as you got poleaxed! Mind you, Mozzer getting brutally dumped was the more cynical bit; I also think Mark may have been wondering why I spent 5 minutes trying to kneecap him with full leg swings a foot off the ground.

My left leg is in a right state thanks to Garvey - an enormous bruise right down my shin and two more behind the knee.
I think things got a bit serious last night but nevermind! I enjoyed myself even though i got hit in the bollocks by ash and scott pity you weren't playing vice then i could of had the hat trick of parkinsons hitting me in the nads!!
Don't think it was you Kieran - I shouldn't have played as I was totally drugged out on flu capsules and had a migraine half way through the game. No excuse for mini tantrum but felt like a zombie throughout. Plus I don't particularly appreciate being sworn at 11 times by people I consider friends. Easily the least enjoyable hour of football in 3 years.
Well....that proves it - Kieran Coe: you are the weakest link - 1st time on whites and we get stuffed! No, no its just a coincidence (cheers).

Wednesday, December 10

Thanks for your help boys - see you tomorrow.
Don't hold back there scoop!!

I'll sack off the shopping to play footy. I only said that because it looked as if there were 50 players! So I make a come back! All beware

See you on thursday!

2 more things

- Nick Fletcher is available and would like to play
- thanks for letting me know re next week's sesh. I was intending to go see the Return of the King, but I guess I can put that off by a day *sob*

Tuesday, December 9

2 things

- it should read forgot not forget
- yes there is 1 more 'session' on the 18th Paul.

OK boys and Girls

Lots of comings and goings but the attendees as I see it

Nick H (I will confirm)
Matt Cotton (forget the Xmas shopping you puff)
Mark (Clive's mate)
A N Other

The following are not available (from the recent regulars):

Dickie P

Have I forget anyone?????

Can I ask that the following is done to help me please:

- Matt - can you sack of the Xmas shop?? Please advise
- Can anyone find out if Nick Fletch wishes to be the tenth, I can easily make it up with Mozers mate's but would prefer a TSJ'er

Hope the above makes sense, it is extremely hard work to get the illusive 10 players so no late cry offs and no late attendees.

I'm assuming this is our last pre-Xmas game this week isn't it?? Or is the hall open on the 18th?

We ought to mix the teams up a bit, with most of the Parkinson clan unavailable ... can you believe I've only been on the same side as the CDO for 1 game in 2 seasons? Much though I like putting one over on him and getting elbows in my spine every week, it would be nice to have different teams for once.
Very brave, Craig - after announcing your non-availability you slag me - typical!
Andy and I are definitely playing!

It was Skipton 5 - Ripon 62 unfortunately. The demise of the Skiptonites is to be found on the Internet quite easily.
Dicky: If you were still in touch with your roots you would have the contacts to find out the (cricket) score yourself.
Scott to make things easier for you I've got some last minute x mas shopping I can do on thursday so you can take my name off the list.

Scott - use me as a leveller as we said (I'll make up to evens). I'm not going training as no 1st team fixture this week (time off for being crap!).

Monday, December 8

Looks like football will be popular this week. In the interest of having even no's and hopefully less than 56 people can those regular bloggers please advise if you are available - I don't want any 'I may possibly kind of if I can bothered' comments please!!!!

Let me know re anyone who doesn't post also (Paul - Andy) etc...

I will post an idea of the attendees on Wednesday.

A View of Elton Johns Rear eh! Interesting!!!!

Will be good to have you back. We've missed your psychotic influence. Sorry to hear about your weekend loss, but then it was always going to be tough with your makeshift team right now. Hope you didn't get too many bangs and bruises.

Hels and I went to see Elton John at the MEN Arena last night. Absolutely sensational stuff. We were sat right behind the stage, about 20 feet from the maestro with a brilliant view. He played non-stop for about 2.5 hours, all the favourites.

There was talk a few weeks ago about a pre-Xmas get together, maybe for a curry or some such nonsense? Are people still up for it? We'd certainly fancy a curry at that place in Holcombe village (where we went last time).
Hell! I miss one week and I'm gagging for it!!!! Scott - get me in!!! (God I bite easily - don't I?)
PS Dicky - Ripon Stuffed us.
IF you are allowed to play, Nick, I do think you need to really be careful as to the kind of things you are saying (this grovelling to the whites will not guarantee you a place in their team - with your socio-demographic make up you are MUCH more likely to appear amongst the ranks of rag, tag, etc). So you will find that either your team mates dislike you for pampering to the white ego or you get a reet good kicking playing for the whites.....

Saturday, December 6

so let me get this straight. the whites are an ajax team of the early 70's with wit and cunning on the ball and able to adapt to different positions on the field, while the rag-tags are more your wimbledon of the late 80's. what i want to know is is cdo vinny jones or john fashanu.
hoping to be available for a game if i'm welcome on thursday.

Friday, December 5

I dont know these bloody whites eh! I see there's no back up from our team!!!!
AND they played in orange. Traffic cones ahoy!
Allright so they didn't win anything but they were probably one of the all time greatest teams ever or was i thinking of Holland 74! The World cup final where they scored without the opposition touching the ball from the kickoff!

Anyway I'm free next thursday for football so i can play (if selected Scoop!)
It's fascinating what a google search will bring up - in 1978, a Dutch side won the Cup Winners Cup, while much more importantly, a girl called Suzanne Holland gained a degree in history from Indiana University! That just underlines Matt's analogy! Intriguingly, a group called "The Whites" chose that self-same year to release an album called "Poor Folk's Pleasure" - now that is coincidence.

Either that or I'm talking total b*ll*cks again ;-)
That might be the case now vice but the last time i played the "ragtags" played total football. Shades of the Holland 78 world cup team!

Thursday, December 4

There's a hardcore unit of 4 for each team - me, Andy, Craig and Scoop for the whites, CDO, Cliff, Dickie and Mozzer for the ragtags. Then there's Micky J and Ash who play white when they're available, and take your pick from Osama, Jedi, Frankie B, The Hud, Lee Marsden and Scudders for the ragtags. It's always been like that, and usually makes for a good game. If there's an equal number, it's normally close with I'd say the whites *just* shading it over the years.

If there are odd numbers, we just adjust accordingly and try and make the best of it.

Plenty of decent confrontations with historical interest - Cliff v Scoop, Andy v anyone getting past him, CDO v anything that moves etc.
so i gather the teams are rougthly the same with the odd transfer each week depending on numbers. what happens if some one new turns up,does he have to sit out untill an injury occurs if the sides are even.
more importantly whats the score of victories on the night, is it the whites or rag-tags that have the advantage. so many question, i know, i'm just intriged.
No you're right. If you're on my side I'll be screaming for the ball ;-)

Craig, don't forget the "Dickie Peacock Sidestep" which he falls for every time - feign to go right, then drag the ball back and sweep past on the inside. Lovely.

I now fear that I'll be getting drilled into the wall half a dozen times tonight ;-)

The boys in action
You say that now Dr P but wait until I return to thursday night football and you wont be laughing then!!!!
Well done, Osama! If only you could pass a football ;-)
Good form as usual Dickie P!! I've passed my first set of exams!!

Wednesday, December 3

Nick - its the whites versus rag, tag and bobtail.....Only one side is 'picked' the other is thrown together like lambs to the slaughter (sniff...)
so for the five a side do you have the same teams each week?
what no lining up against the wall and two people picking the teams, it dont sound right.
what are the usual teams then?
That's all assuming that Dickie recovers from his pulled shoulder muscle anyway ...

Anyway the REAL whites are back this week - send that interloper back to his own goal-hanging kick and rush outfit! Speaking of interlopers, what's happened to Frankie B, Scunners and Lee Marsden?
Scoop - I'd better show me face at training this week - it shouldn't be long now before I'm dropped and I can enjoy 5-a-side once more.....

Andy and I will pick up Jedi.

Looking forward to it. We had our 21 week baby scan yesterday - all systems go! ;-)
Morning all...

I've got a headache reading the conversation between Doc and CDO - put away your dictionaries and talk int language we normal people understand.

Well done Dickie (honorary Lanky person) - I'm sure you'll miss the M62 on a damp and cold morning but don't worry you can replace that joy with 30 minutes sleep a week and 12 shitty nappies a day!!

Turning to football - with lots of comings and goings this is the team (i think) as it stands... I would welcome clarification or comments:

In no order (Craig)....

Dickie (Lanky man)
Craig (please confirm)
Mark (Clive's mate - played on white's, good)
Moza's mate
Matty Ablett (reiterate Clives comment - can anyone pick him up??)

For those of us that are not mathematically challenged you will note that I have listed 9 people. Once I have a better idea on numbers (up or down) I may need to call on our super sub (CDO - still OK at short notice??).

Your help with the above is very much appreciated - I am sure all those that have attended in the past 2 weeks will agree that having even numbers makes a huge difference.


Tuesday, December 2

Dickie well done on your new posting. Anyone interested in coming over to Skipton with me to see Kieran get the sh*t kicked out of him! Let me know before Thurs as I am not at footie. Talking of Thurs any volunteers to pick up young Jedi ?

Calverley Cup final photos are now ready for those who ordered them, so have your £7.50 ready at footie the week after. Laters
no....this is the thing.....I'm in the 1st team....we play 1st teams in the its Ripon 1st team (we beat 'em last season). Come on!
Dickie P, I've sent you quite a few emails of late and they've bounced - can you send me a message if you fancy a game of squash this week??

Good to hear you've managed to get a transfer though, that's excellent news with baby Peacock en route!
So Dicky - you've given up....that slippery rock of Yorkshireness you have successfully clung to has finally beaten you and you are now a lanky working and living in lanky (better for kid though - eh?). My rock (rugby) is pretty slippery also, but I am managing to cling hold for a while at least - Saturday 6/12 = home versus Ripon in League - anyone interested in coming to support - my old cricket club is sponsoring game and with it being Ripon, will be a big crowd and massive beer fest after.

Monday, December 1

methinks......piffle...... is this the kind of mediaeval language that accompanies 'men' in tights and air guitar?
Piffle! Who worships Yorkshiremen apart from other Yorkshiremen? ;-)

Indeed, this excellent Monty Python sketch sums it all up!

If I choose to describe Yorkshiremen as objects of worship (deity = god / divinity = supremely good/magnificent) - if you choose to express your disbelief - it is only opinion and I respect yours. We must live together in this world - divisions over belief cannot be allowed to escalate, but I must insist that my choice of words was and remains correct.
"Omnipresent like a deity". Without wishing to cause controversy and ructions, isn't there a majority of people who would actually say that deities are non-existent rather than omnipresent? Bad choice, methinks.

Omnipresent like a bad smell, mayhap! ;-)

BTW, you may have noticed that our guestbook was not functioning properly - the people that hosted it are no longer letting people use them without paying. So I've just installed a new one!

Yorkshiremen are never foreign - they are ubiquitous, omnipresent like a deity, so you can tell Nick that every day is Yorkshire Day.
Hi guys, hope you all had a good few days. Looking forward to footy this week.

In the interest of fairness, Nick's asked me to point out that it was Yorkshire day on August 1st. He also reminds our "foreign" players to reapply for their visas on January 1st!!!

Friday, November 28

It Looks as if your missing my silky skills!
Only because you had the new guy (and I don't mean the new guy - I mean the one who, when he plays for us, couldn't hit a barn door).
Dicky P. you are a turncoat, a bounder and a cad to boot!

Thursday, November 27

So its Lancashire day and all you can think of is to trash the white rose....
Non - sensical rant (at least I can spell - trailer trash).
In the words of a crap "comedian" - what a gay day!
Comments box removed!
thats right folks lancashire day. want to know more go to
just had a look at your friends yorkshit (sorry couldnt resist, after all it is Lancashire day) soul site and it is quiet witty and dare i say entertaining but it seems that only "mike" posts anything. at least there are other contributors to tsjcc site occasionly. if not lardy and cdo are always good for a non-sencical rant.

I put it on really for casual readers (ie non-TSJ people) to be able to add stuff. I know at least 20 people who read the site regularly.

I can take it off it ppl don't think it's useful?

Andy's mate Mick does a great blog over at Yorkshire Soul - his comments are well-used and funny!

Enjoy footy tonight!

This comments lark don't work for me - breaks up the flow of the conversation to the occassional viewer. We will end up with different topics of conversation going on at the same time and I'm a simple lad!! Don't know what other people think but I'm of the opinion that if it isn't broke don't fix it??

See you tonight


Wednesday, November 26

Theres no need to replace anything its fine no worries! Cheers anyway!

Tuesday, November 25

Matt - does that mean you want a new frame, replaced glass or the frame and picture without the glass? Any of these is OK by me..........

You'll note I've added a little comments link which will automatically appear below every post, in case anyone without admin access wants to post a comment on any entry - or indeed if we do without wanting to log in ... hope it's useful.
Don't worry about it was only a cheap thing! If your at footy on thursday i can pop down after college and collect it. I can get there for about 9.15 if your stuggling for numbers!
Matt - is the frame a family heirloom? I've broken glass.....sorry! I can either replace glass or whole frame - please advise......
A sarcasm-free blog.

Monday, November 24

Hello Everyone not blogged for a while how is everyone? Its a pity I won't be able to play footy for a while because of college but hey I've got to get qualified!

CDO have you finished with that photograph yet? My Mantle piece is not the same without it!!!

got to be so defensive these days, so many sarcastic people about - terrible isn't it!
Kick you later, Kieran.
Before the comments start - of course I won't see the ones who can't make it on Thursday but will see eveyone else.


With a few people unavailable and a few people returning I though I would detail Thursdays team as I see it...

Captain Peacock
The Hud
A N Other

I am sorting the A N Other with Clive and again feel this number should be tolerated for a week with 3 regulars back the week after. Please let me know if you can't make it and I will see you on Thursday.


Wednesday, November 19

Andy and I will be fine to play, Scoop.

Tuesday, November 18

Re Football

Thank you to Keiran, Clive and Craig for there early warning re non attendance on Thursday. Ashley is also not now available until after Xmas. By my reckoning that leaves us with 7 (assuming someone can pick up young Jedi).

I will do some phoning round but my intention is only to get the number to about 8. I feel we should accept a lower number for one week (it should be a good workout) rather than invite lots of new people to make up the numbers and then be left with 16 people next week when our regulars return.

I hope the 'other' regulars agree with my stance but please feel free to contact me via phone or on this site with any views.

See the rest of you on Thursday and obviously anyone else who may not be able to make it please let me know.


Sorry Ricardo I am on that course!! I don't think i'm going to be able to play until the new year probably around feb time! Sh@t isn't it!!
I'm struggling to make Thursday as well. Currently off sick and not looking good for rest of week. Any volunteers to pick up young Jedi otherwise that might be other one down ?
What's happened to Skudders ? Answers on a postcard please.
Unfortunately, I cannot make 5-a-side this Thursday - I have to go to Rugby training as I'm in 1st team (missed last night through being in Cambridge). I am going to try to go next Monday instead though, to free up Thursday night (have to go min. of one a week). I'll be fit, but divorced!
Sorry for any inconvenience with numbers...

Thursday, November 13

I don't care if it appeases you or accarrotses you, you're still in for a hiding tonight. And we'll beat you at footy too ;-)
you think that appeases me?
You may note I've removed your duplicate posts. To do this yourself, click on Edit, then a delete link appears! Isn't I.T. great?
well spotted, Doc - it may be because the blog publishes itself before I edit - thus the small additions (! to Kerrang, etc). What happened was I had to come off the blog whilst creating - it then publishes itself....I HATE I.T. I'll take my aggression out tonight....
"Pull back, Craig go left, Paul go right"

Just had a message from Jedi - he's going to turn up and do his favourite impression ...

headless chicken

btw, KC, why did you submit two near-identical (but slightly different) messages!? Are you losing it in your old age?
I hope to god the newsletter contains more relevant material than your blogs - that's to both you over-educated, Kerrang! reading smellies!
Never mind Meat Loaf in any event - it's postponed!!!! Who the heck are "Spocks Beard" - presumably they have lived long and are prosperous.

So andy and I will be there tonight. Whites unite once again. "come short, craig"! Excellent.

Wednesday, November 12

Paul - never mind the mighty MeatLoaf. Those in the know will be at the Academy on Thursday to see the truly God-like Neal Morse (of Spocks Beard/Transatlantic fame) performing his epic 'Testimony' work, accompanied no less by his drummer pal (from Dream Theater) the even more God-like Mike Portnoy. Now that's what I call...........

Tuesday, November 11

Just to let you know that Andy and I won't be at footy on Thursday either - we're off to see the mighty Meat Loaf at the MEN Arena! Rock and roll ...
Dear me Dr P!!

Can't attend footy on thursday I've got to go into college.

So I'm not too sure about availability for the near future because I might need to attend college every thursday until x mas but i'll let you all know!

Monday, November 10

You get worse......
Kick off time

In the action

Flower power

Poor old Kieran

Friday, November 7

I thought i was more like the guy that they had to break his arm so Stallone could play!!
So you DID all watch that shit film.....
How old was Mike Summerbee in that film? And has anyone worked out who young Jedi is yet? My ankles haven't been the same since he started playing.
I said I was the same size as him - not the same effectiveness.
Of course! That would be Pele who makes TV adverts about impotence and erection problems.
Stallone = Steve (incoherent and grumpy; Pele = me (hung like a ...); Moore = Cotters - looks like he could have robbed some jewellery!
TSJCC Xmas newsletter - a very important means of communication and one which we should all contribute. To move progress it has been nominated, seconded, passed, agreed (whatever) that the new editor of the newsletter is to be Mike Ainscoe and it is hoped that he shows the same gusto as he did when painting the fence! (although we also hope that the newsletter will be finished at some point...). To this end, if anyone wishes to contirbute (jokes, TSJ anecdotes, cricketing stories, fund raising issues, constitutional issues, Club Development opportunities, personal comment, etc) either with a fully written piece or with just bulletted points of view - you can email Mike on or you can pass the information on to me or Clive. This is Mike's shout, but I feel that all info should be in by end of November with publication date prior to Xmas.
and there was me thinking I was paying the whites a compliment.....Also there were parallels with our side (the allies) - rag, tag and bobtail, thrown together old, knackered and has-been and unsure as to whether to come out again at half time!
Can't believe you are calling me geek, Doc P (KC = speechless for once...).
Did anyone see Escape to Victory last night? - so many parallels with our 5-a-side (I'll leave it to the individual to decide which team was representative of the Germans.. clean, matching kit, dirty, disciplined and good at football....)

Thursday, November 6

"utilising"? "siblings"?

descriptions utilising girly siblings fit the whites - your call does not.
i take it footy is on tonight then, cheers craig for the message last week. i'll try and make it but i wouldn't hold your breath. not signed up yet doc, medical next thursday.
Oi, if anyone's going to be making stupid calls it'll be me ...

Home game:

DrP: "Right, you call"
Opposition: "Heads. Right, we'll bat"
DrP: "ARSE!"

Away game:

Opposition: "Right, you call"
DrP: "Heads"
Opposition: "Right, we'll bat"
DrP: "ARSE!"
Vice = stupid call, really, on a CRICKET web site.

1. "One Step Beyond" - Osama Bin Lardy and the Noballers
2. "Money money money" - Cyril's Wallet
3. "Build Me Up Buttercup" - Dickie P and the Flower Girls
4. "In the Army Now" - Nick Fletcher feat. TA Recruiters
5. "Can You Feel the Force?" - Young Jedi
6. "Toss It Up (You Lost Again TSJ Mix)" - Notorious DRP
7. "Pour Some Sugar On Me" - the Totty Tea Ladies
8. "Sultans of Swing" - Smiffy and Mozzer
9. "Blame it on the Rain" - Groundsman Cliff
10. "Run like hell" - Rowdy Yates

On a related note, I came across this fantastic selection of "worst country music song titles ever" - my personal favourite is:

"If My Nose Were Full of Nickels, I'd Blow It All On You"
CDO just to let you know i will bring that photogragh to footy tonight.

Wednesday, November 5

That's a top idea.

Email me and I'll do some stuff for you. You should also consider a "best of the web" bit, print some of the highlights from this site over the past 6 months ... eg the banter between CDO and Matt, that Meccano picture, comments of the season, etc.

Happy to contribute! ;-)
Xmas newsletter: We are going to publish (paper/e-mail) a xmas newsletter and would like for any/all to participate - if you want a say in what appears or would like to pen a piece - please contact me or Clive. We feel that this is important, not only to keep communication momentum going but also to set the scene for the coming season - please participate with humorous/serious views - does not have to be cricket related (but it would help!).
I knew my batting prowess would prevail!!

Tuesday, November 4

Fantastic! It's the TSJCC website in reverse!

Monday, November 3


Yes there is, 8pm at Dungeon. I will have to send my apologies to Cliff, as I'm unable to attend. Have fun!

Great Evanescence gig at the Apollo on Friday, thanks to Nick F for kindly using my spare ticket; lots of goths in attendance, good live sound, particularly Amy Lee, the singer, crowd was manic downstairs!

Evanescence logo
Is there a committee meeting tomorrow night?
is there a committee meeting tomorrow night - or is my head more scrambled than I thought?

Sunday, November 2

Hello! Can't believe we have some fellow 'MostHaunted' fans at the club!!! Anyone for a trip to the Opera House in Feb to see Derek Acorah??? Must go, I feel some spiritual activity approaching in the residual energy (either that or I've just seen the first XI averages)

Friday, October 31

Craig - I would never have believed the mask!
I go away for i week and look what happens - glam-rock! - Could be a good theme for next seasons last match!? Springhead in the Cup....we REALLY need to rape them - start availability for the game NOW!
Clive - was it you posting minutes thro letterbox last night? Why not call in? You probably like the dark, cold evenings to do your stalking round Totty....

Thursday, October 30

paul, if no one has taken up your offer i'll have the ticket for a lift and a tenner. what do you say.
see you at footy hopefully.

They've had 2 massive hits in the UK, including one that was in the charts for months - "Bring Me to Life". As Matt says, they're a rock group - more melodic than heavy though, and Andy and I can't wait. Think you should come with us ;-)

I'll play you a track or two tonight before squash.

There some kind of Goth rock outfit from America and they wouldn't go down to well at chicagos!! Unfortunetly most haunted's on sky
Rocktastic Dr P!

Just to remind you all i'm going to be on tele tomorrow night on Most Haunted Live!!! So tune into Living TV at 9 o'clock to watch the hunt for paranormal activity!!!

Morning all.

OK, I know it's short notice but I have a spare concert ticket.

Does anyone want to coe and see Evanescence at the Manchester Apollo tomorrow night. Concert starts 7pm (ish), and I'm happy to provide transport etc if required. The ticket is 18.50 but I'll accept sensible offers!

If you and a partner would both like to come I'll give up my ticket. The spare is Helen's but she's not well enough to go.

If you're interested, drop me an email to

Wednesday, October 29

Alright then I will break the silence with some interesting news -
Cup draws for 2004

Calverley Cup - 1st rnd - Springhead at home & 2nd rnd - Rochdale Catholic Club at home - Come on !!

Hunter Cup - 1st rnd - Bye & 2nd rnd - Darcy Lever at home

Monday, October 27

Well there's some quite unbelievable news courtesy of Cliff - and it's all true!

On Sunday Nov 2nd, the Comedy Store in Manchester is hosting a comedian of the year event, and competing is none other than young Danny Deggan, son of our very own icon, Dasher! Yes indeed. You can only imagine just how much material the youngster will have to work with! ;-)

Friday, October 24

You're a strange man CDO!!!
"You are the frisky whites, you are the frisky whites; we are the other team, we are the other team". I love it when it gets "Dirrrty!".
Can't believe I'm quoting from shit-pop.

Thursday, October 23

clive, what time does it start tomorrow? and how am i gonna get hold of my ticket?
Can't wait for footy tonight! yee hah!

No-one out there!?

Tuesday, October 21

Meccano monthly
Yes indeed ...

Accepting - Held up towards rear, ridden over 3f out, soon weakened - finished 8th out of 10 starters! Very poor!

On the positive side, can I once again echo some of the comments I made in my speech and say thanks - and congrats - to the following:

1. Cliff and Graham F for their immense contribution to off-pitch activities this year, particularly the building and other works in and around the pavilion, and the sightscreen kit, which has to be the most ridiculous contraption ever - but it works!!

2. The other committee members, particularly Scoop for his work with the lawyers, CDO for his tireless energy and suggestions, and Bird, Dickie P, et al for their other work.

3. Osama Bin Lardy for his well-deserved Outstanding Achievement Award. It's very difficult to say much more, but the lad seemed genuinely thrilled, and it was also particularly easy to take the pee out of his 26 runs for the season. Lovely.

4. Graham (again) for winning Club Man of the year. Well done and very well deserved.

5. The average winners (Nick F, Nick H, me and, er, me!) tee hee

Monday, October 20

It was a super night, have to agree! Dickie P - how much did you cost us!? ;-) The advance word from Cliff is that the club could well have made over a grand from the proceedings, which is a magnificent testament to all those who attended.

Two items of importance!

1. Football is ON this week! Usual place, usual time.

2. NMCL Presentation evening is this Friday, October 24th! We've accepted 12 tickets but only sold 5 so far - myself, Cliff, Cotters, CDO and Dickie P will be in attendance but we really need to have more representatives there - we are receiving two trophies after all!! Tickets are £12.50 - please contact Cliff or leave a message here if you want one!
Once again another tremendous evening and thanks again for the award chuffed to bits!! It was an expensive night though our table spent £150 quid!!! and didn't win anything back!!

Friday, October 17

Doc, the emphasis in the sentence should be on the word YOU....
You stopped me putting Vice in the clear - that was a good block! And from what I hear, it would have had to be an extremely accurate shot to do you any damage, haha!
never mind the kick on the ankle - what about the ball in the 'nads? (PS You know you're their uncle). Matt - I do like it hard - is there any other way?
Does that mean you like it Hard CDO?
Thought we did very well last night considering the low turnout. Really really enjoyed it. Must apologise to the CDO for a kick on the ankle - mind you I've got about 5 bruises on the shins from Jedi, so all's fair in love, war and Thursday night footy!

Ashley's not going to be pleased you called him Uncle Donald!
Nic - the going will be SOFT (like all you Lancastrian woofters!).
Tremendous effort by the whites last night - I can't decide whether Huey, Dewey, Louie and Uncle Donald played better with or without Goofy......

Thursday, October 16

Horses into the paddock at 7.30pm. First horses to be saddled by 7.30pm. Going looks to be good to firm in fact the course may need watering before Saturday.
First 3 races before the refreshments with then the trophies, speeches and game of heads & tails.
Finale to be last 3 races culminating with the today express Grand National.

See you there for a great night - a few tickets still available !!

All horses have been sold.
does anyone know what the running is going to be on saturday?
Anyone fancy a game of 11 v 1 tonight? ;-)

In related news, there's been another suspected attack by footballers on the general public. In a statement issued today, Inspector Deegan stated that "Police are currently looking for Leeds".
I appologise in advance

Another scandal is set to rock football!!!!

Sophie Ellis Bextor's dead body has been found in a French international footballer's hotel room.

The police are treating it as murder on Zidane's floor....


Wednesday, October 15

I dunno?
why? juliet - what you gonna do about it?
Lets just hope were on opposite teams tomorrow!!
watch it, viking warrior.....
I've supped a yard....
OH MY GOD!!!!! You asked a simple question!!

Tuesday, October 14

"steam/shower/bath/jacuzzi/home entertainment centre"

The mind boggles! Is it legal to advertise such things, especially with the Vice prowling? ;-)

Back on knitwear, why not go instead for "Nancy's simple wimple (part of the 1997 knitlist gift exchange)" - if you mention my name to Nancy she'll give you an extra yard of material, all for free. Mind you, I bet the CDO has given an extra yard in his time!
Why don't you buy on-line - you seem to spend most of your day there anyway! If not - I've a client in Manchester - mention my name to Phil Delaney at Dale Street Bathrooms and get a huge discount on any/all bathrooms. We've just done a promotion on a steam/shower/bath/jacuzzi/home entertainment centre - all in normal price £7999 - yours for just £3999. They do the full range....the address? (Dale Street you muppet!).
If this isn't a public information service site I don't know what is. Ever wanted to make your own hand-knitted Tom Baker Dr Who scarf? Look no further! Thanks, Craig!
I thought it was both interesting and Informative! But i've been to the one near the Golf shop. The Only one I liked cost about £1500 just a tad expensive!!
Bloody hell, I really am old and sad aren't I?

First one to agree will get a rollicking in my speech on Saturday! hehe

Good places are the Bolton bathroom centre, which is off Chorley Old Road, near Tower FM, and also Boro Style bathrooms in Bury - next to the golf discount store and Lees Hegginbottom opposite Comet in Bury.
Afternoon Gentlemen How is everyone today? Unfortunately I've only managed to sell 4 tickets for saturday. But I'm sure its going to be a good evening anyway!

Does anybody know where I can get a decent bathroom suite from? I've been to B&Q and a place in Heywood but they've all been a bit crap really! Anyway here's a funny joke I was sent the other day

A teacher asks her class to use the word "contagious" in a sentence.

Roland, the class swot, jumps up and says,

"Last year I got the measles and mum said it was very contagious."

Then Katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails, jumps up and says,

"My Grandma says there's a flu going around and its contagious."

Finally, Little Jimmy jumps up and shouts,

"Our next door neighbours painting the outside of his house with a 2 inch brush and my dad says it will take the contagious."

CDO, Neither. Wish I'd had more than 10 minutes cos it could have developed into a monster!!! ;-)

Really looking forward to footy and to end of season bash, and so on. The good times are rolling!
I think that last blog has killed all communication , Paul! - what are you on? - liquid or weed?

Friday, October 10

My insider sources have sent me the following transcript which was recorded in secret at a recent training session of Rammy Juniors run by our very own Cliff ...

[It's 7pm. The juniors are congregated en masse on the outfield, where they're gathering up moss and dry roots, as per Cliff's instructions. None of them have cricket equipment with them. All of a sudden there's a squeal of engines and a big crashing noise]

Little Jimmy: Flaming hell! Look!

[A car is making its way onto the car park, belching smoke from under the bonnet. The car screams to a halt, and Cliff emerges and dives for cover just as a towering inferno engulfs the vehicle]

Cliff: Rats! That's 4 this week ... ok lads, now who's brought the soil bags and the scarifier?

Little Peacock: That's me, sir! And I've brought some bluebells too!

Cliff: That's great. You're fined 20p. Now lads, before we move onto painting and erecting the shed, a quick recap of last week's batting masterclass. I'm going to tell you a few scenarios and you tell me what's the best shot to play. OK, we'll start with Little Mike.

Little Mike: Yes, sir!

Cliff: There's a spinner on, he bowls a flighted delivery that's about 3 feet outside off stump and going wider. What do you play?

Little Mike: The Brooks sweep, sir!

Cliff: Excellent. Okay, we'll try little Kieran. Now then, there's a quick bowler on, you've called for your helmet, and seeing this he bangs it in half way down. What do you do?

Little Kieran: Get down on one knee and sweep it!

Cliff: Fantastic, lads! That's 2 out of 2. OK, we'll try little Russ. There's a dibbly dobbly medium pacer on, he could bowl it anywherer, what do you do?

Little Russ: Sweep it for 6 and run up the wicket grinning and signalling it!

Cliff: You're my favourite student! OK, finally, we'll try little Scunners.

Little Scunners: Yes, mate!

Cliff: OK, it's an inswing bowler, he's clearly of a high standard and he's typing you down round leg stump, what do you do?

Little Scunners: Whip him through square leg, mate! Then give myself a big clap on the back.

Cliff: Er, that's not right.

Little Scunners: You're right, I had no right to play that shot. Come on lads, it's ours this! Touch the sky!
My nose is bloody killing thanks to Young Jedi!!!
All hail Matthew Hayden. The former Greenmount pro and Aussie opener (and incidentally my favourite batsman!) smashed the world Test batting record today, bludgeoning 380 against Zimbabwe. Not only is this a superb effort in itself, it also knocks that arrogant ponce Lara off top spot ;-)

Well done Matty!

Matt Hayden

A superb game of football last night, if slightly violent. Garvey got a nasty cut under the eye courtesy of an elbow from Flash, Cliff gave me a very sore shoulder, and there were other bangs and knocks - but a great game nonetheless!!

Thursday, October 9


Wednesday, October 8

Hiya Nick,

Get yourself mended up! Footy has been excellent. Look forward to seeing you at the club do!

For everyone, we had a very useful committee meeting last night and touched on issues including vandalism, the league end of season do, sponsorship, club shirts and much more. Maybe someone will post a rundown of the key info for everyone later?

Tuesday, October 7

well hello all.
interesting reading gentlemen. sorry its been along time since last i blogged.
just to say i dont think i will be able to make it to football as i thought, well not for a good few weeks. my knee is bollocked and i've just found out that an op need will be sometime near the start of the season. hopefully it will settle down so i can make an apperance at footy and wow you all with my control and turn of pace!
Don't answer the phone, turn the television off and if anyone gives you a video to watch - RUN! (I told you it had flustered me).
Psaul - I did not choose my un-spellable name - by the time I was aware, it was a fait ac-compli.
The pleasure has been all mine Folks!

It's been a real pleasure to know you, mate. Have a great last few days. Just to set your mind at ease, one way you won't be dying is via Andy putting you through the benches at football - he's off to Cyprus tomorrow!

Kieran - you want to get a name that can't easily be spelt wrong.

Has anyone else noticed Clive's officious tone on the blog? If he's not careful he could be nicknamed 'The School Matron' for further correspondence....

Monday, October 6

Firstly, Cotters, spell my name correctly - Kieran.
Secondly - if you watched The Ring on Saturday - YOU HAVE 5 DAYS LEFT!
Keiron you are a big girls blouse. I watched the Ring last night and it was rubbish! Not scary at all!!!

Sunday, October 5

Just a quick reminder of the meeting on Tuesday evening at 8pm in the Dungeon. You should have all received your minutes and list of your actions required prior to the meeting.

Saturday, October 4

Richard - its not like you to be so prosaic - surely you can use your poetic skills to describe your skills better........

Friday, October 3

I thought i was like George Best very graceful on the ball!
Matt - nowt wrong wi'it! I want to be Thor-God of Thunder on the football pitch too!

Nothing at all. Just be careful in china shops!
Whats wrong with my footballing style?
dead chuffed me ankles OK - thanks to Andy, Craig, Scott for giving it a thorough work out! I've decided that in light of Cotter's footballing style we are to be Vikings at next years last match of season - raping and pillaging down Bury Road! ODIN!!!!
Tremendous game last night, really enjoyed it. Shame about the unevenness of the sides though, we needed an extra body!

There's a bizarre site I've come across which is apparently covering the movements of a new consortium looking to take over the reins at Bury FC. It's very weird and very funny, featuring characters like Pete Zaparla, Arne Uldiron and Wim Bonus! The Consortium
Good game of footy last night i was knackered! I was surprised this morning that i wasn't stiff (as it were) thats probably going to happen tomorrow!!

Thursday, October 2

Congratulations to Fran Daly - voted 1st Division Player's Player of Season and John (currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) Barrow voted Umpire of Year. Also to our own Dr P 5th in 1st Div Batting & 3rd in bowling. Also to Cotters 9th in League bowling & Freddie 17th in Batting. Well Done folks!!!

Anyone wanting tickets for NMCL Presentation on Friday 24th October tickets are £12.50 each includes buffet & disco. Awards being presented by Andy Hayhurst (Lancs Cricket Board). Partners are welcome.
Being held at Bury Town Hall so could make a full night of it and go to Chicago's after !!!

Let me know

Wednesday, October 1

now you know that the only double act is you (hinge) and cotters (bracket).
It's turning into the Cotters-Coe double act, this website! Or should we say the "Belt and Braces" duo ;-)

A quick reminder to anyone out there who has yet to purchase tickets for the club's end of season do. It's an all-in-one smorgasbord of fun encompassing drink, laughs, supper, presentations, Derek "Special" Kay taking the pee out of everyone, race night and speeches. Best of all, like one of Osama's long hops, it's unmissable!

5 quid gets you in, another fiver buys you this horse.
I thought it was one of my best spells for the club!!!
so was he, batting at 10 and watching you at other end! I thought you bowled well too...... (nice catch though!).
I think you'll find he called me a pr**k!!! I was very upset!

Tuesday, September 30

yes it was, but there were other daft comments that day too - You used to be the best batsman in the world, but I'm still the best point fielder (2 balls before NH caught Parky at point). Also NH - you f***ing T**T what were you doing! (constructive comment to Cotters after his swish meant NH dnb). Other top moments - Dasher's head tennis at Littleborough; Clive signalling his own 6; any first two minutes with skunners; any Dicky P sincerity.
Was it something to do about Bambi on Ice!
Matt, excellent news - look forward to seeing you there. CDO - what was that blindingly funny comment you made at Glodwick??
Good news on the footy front. I should be able to start next thursday as i'm dropping my computer accounting course as i don't need to do it! COME ON!! Unfortunately I've been let down on a few people attending the race night but I'm trying to get more people to come.
looking at averages, "Kieran Coe, you are the weakest link - goodbye!"

Monday, September 29

Doc - if I am thick - why is the number of catches next to batting analysis? To be quite honest I was dead chuffed to think I had been caught a lot (means I have at least hit the ball). Does this mean I win, with 7 catches? Oooo goody!
On a more serious note - vandals, bloody vandals have been at the ground, this time ripping doors off sheds and scattering equipment around field - Clive alerted Police who (guess what) didn't have anyone available to investigate. I seriously think that we should pen a letter to the B Times telling just the plain truth - est. club in Community for x years, developing ground and pavillion, winners of two trophies this year, etc, etc - mindless vandalism, plea for help, local residents - blah blah. I've asked Clive to pen and I will add to if required. Has anyone got any thoughts (other than ripping off of testicles) as to what we can do.

Yes it means number of catches YOU have taken!
Very pleased with my average this season with both bat and ball. 26 runs Come On!!!!! Highlights for me this season are;

1. Away at Glodwick and Ash said " Keep it tight in the ring Lads!!"

2. Clive's girly squeal away at Failsworth when a frog jumped at him!

3. Pete going out to bat at ELPM with a wig on! V Amusing!

4. On a more disturbing note, I went to see the 2's play the last game of the season against E Vale and when I drove onto the field I was greeted by 3 asses. Nick Fletcher, Mike Ainscoe and Pete Duckworth mooning!!! High Disturbing I've not slept since!

Might be able to start playing footy on a thursday now but I wil update you later.

oh yes - does CT in batting averages mean number of times batter has been caught or number of times he has caught as fielder? am I thick?
looking at averages - looks like I've been over used with bat and under used with ball. Potential to be a bowling all-rounder? (SR 12? - come on!).

Friday, September 26

its all in my head - scunners. (no comment required).
I'd also like to congratulate Matt and Bird on their bowling this season - Matt has consistently taken top order wickets with his unique mix of brilliance and buffet bowling, while Bird has bowled the best he's ever done (IMO).

Will do a proper set of acknowledgements at the end of season do, but it's been a pleasure skippering you all this season - and here's to more progress next year.

Nominations for quote of the season welcomed - so far strong contenders are:

1. Scunners - "I had no right to play that shot"

2. Dasher - "I'm an icon"

3. Over at Failsworth, wickets are tumbling like mad, and the Skip is getting more angry by the moment. I turn to young Jedi ... "Matt, we're not losing this game ..." Young Jedi: "RIGHT"!

You had to be there for number 3, but I think Vice will appreciate that!

Any others?

The 1st XI averages are now available for 2003. Read 'em and weep!

Thursday, September 25

Where are you all? Too quiet!

Monday, September 22

Morning all, hope you all had a great weekend and that the activity at the field went well? Richard, Cliff - what news?

I will be adding the season averages for the firsts this week. I dunno if Mick or Nick have the 2nd XI averages but they should be put up at some point too!

Looking forward to footy on Thursday.

Friday, September 19


Tomorrow is still on - come rain or shine.


Many congratulations. When are you going to learn how to shave? ;-) haha.
Exciting times in the Bin Lardy household! I started college on wednesday and i've been taught how to send an e mail!!! I know how good am I ! Anyway enough of the exciting news, is tomorrow still on if its raining? I'm not too sure on the technical side on scarifying!! I should be down around 9.30 ish if its still on.
I've got wood.....cheers for mentioning her (image bubble of dance sequence whereby she shags the song....groan..).
Is it a good or a bad thing that its raining for tomorrow's groundwork(one word answer please - nowt'bout 'kin scarifying, etc).
Well chaps, the footy season hit last night, and most enjoyable it was too - great to see Garv and Frankie B there, the old men made us youngsters look appalling! First casualties and confrontations to report - Andy totalling young Jedi through the benches and Scoop Doggy and Jedi going nose-to-nose. Clearly young Matt is going to be a shocking influence with his tireless energy and eye for goal ;-)

We need some Friday entertainment.

CDO, tell us what you think about Beyonce ... ? ;-)

Thursday, September 18

To all footy-players - I cannot go tonight - my ankle is totally knackered (even have to call of rugby on Saturday). I will tel. SP to apologise for late cry off.

Tuesday, September 16

In a year in which "back-clapping" and "touching the sky" has become the norm, I think it's only right that we stand back in awe and pay homage to the oldest living human, who today celebrates her 116th birthday!. She's old enough to be Cyril's sister!

Just received telephonic word from "Holistic" Dicky P that work starts at 9am on Saturday!

Excellent work with Franny, it's about time he came to a club where he'd have to fight for an opening spot ;-). What we really ought to do is try and recruit openers from every club we can think of, thus leaving us with some impossible selection dilemmas for next year.

But no-one is nabbing my number 4 spot!
I just remembered - I told Fran Daley in Chicagos that I loved him and pre-season nets are January.
Our fame spreads! Hi to Rochdalians skipper Steve (yes, before anyone says it, the REAL Rochdalians skipper, not the guy I tossed up with that time ;-)) who has signed our guestbook!
Richard / Clive - what time Saturday? I'm playing rugby in aft so as early as poss. for me.

Monday, September 15

Good scene on saturday! Completely wrecked ! I've lost my wig! I think micky J had it last but i can't really remember
East Lancs PM 105 a/o
TSJ 109-5

Fantastic effort on Saturday lads, what a top way to end the season with 5 points against the champions and bringing home the last 6 competition to boot. A sterling effort all round, some excellent bowling under pressure, and then some cool heads when needed in the run chase.

TWO trophies this year is a remarkable turnaround when you consider our lowly position in June. Had we started the season as we finished it we'd have been looking at a top 3 spot at worst. Many congrats to you all.
Any wigs left? Please bring to 5-a-side.
Really need a good turn out Saturday a.m. for ground stuff - Richard/Clive can you post a time for both Sat. and Sun. so that we know when to turn up.
Great night Saturday. Star of the show must be Nelly B. for continuous stealing of the show!

Friday, September 12

You're a nutjob!

It's Friday folks, and where would we be without an amusing link or two? So prepare to read all about the low-flying cow, find out what that musical maestro Big Bird has been arrested for, and finally one for Dickie P, as the age old mystery of whether a duck's quack echoes has finally been solved.
"In this world, where we live, there should be more happiness....BRING ME SUNSHINE!!!!"

Thursday, September 11

Like it ! I wonder if olive will make an appearance!!
Personally, I'm more interested in some 'On The Buses' type sledging when we play the bus drivers on Sunday - "I 'ate you Butler"
50p!! More like £50 to get my head battered with a cricket bat!!!

I'll personally give you 50p and join in with you if you call an East Lancs batsman an "infidel" to his face on Saturday.
As you can see from my latest TV appearance the beards coming on very well CDO.
CDO - Your'e entries are getting earlier and earlier!! I'm now not sure whether it's just before you go to bed or just after you get up!!

Apologies re the football - should now be sorted and all concerned have been contacted. Any probs please contact either me, Cliff or Captain Peacock.

Finally and most importantly wanted to pass on my very best wishes for a speedy recovery to both Danny and Cyril.

Cotters - how is yer beard coming along? - I see you're back in the news on 9/11.

Wednesday, September 10

arf, arf! In all seriousness, have we paid in advance for St Monica's and if so, I sincerely hope we'll get a refund. That's 3 times in our last 4 bookings that it's been off!
Doc P where were you? we had a great game - Nick Hudson and Franky B. in tremendous form!

why didn't you just click "Edit" on your original post!?

Just like to echo Cliff's comments and wish Danny and Cyril a very speedy recovery.

On a more annoying note, why was footy off last night, and did anyone know in advance??
all that, just to spell again right! (twonker!)
rain, rain go away, come again on Sunday (after we have thrashed E.Lancs and had a right old hairy end of season bash).
rain, rain go away, come agian on Sunday (after we have stuffed E.Lancs and had a hairy end of season bash).

Tuesday, September 9

On a more positive note :
The Annual Presentation & Race Night has been booked for Saturday 18th October at Woodbank Cricket Club.
Tickets are £5 each with horses also priced at £5. Get selling as many tickets as you can. It has always proved a popular event and this year should be no different.
Also sponsors for the races are required at £25 each. Please email me with your ticket and horse requirements on
The Club sends it's Best Wishes to both Danny Moriarty and Cyril Fletcher and wish them both a speedy recovery.
Danny is currently in the High Dependancy Ward at Booth Hall Childrens Hospital, while Cyril has been rushed into Ward 7 at Fairfield with heart problems.

Monday, September 8

Well done England! A deserved 9 wicket victory after being faced with a first innings of 484. Magnificent!
scary, hairy monsters.....woooooooooo!
Your beginning to scare people now KC!
hairy, hairy, hairy.........I want to wear mine to 5-a-side!

Sunday, September 7

Totty St Johns 176 a/o (CDO 53, Nelly 36)
Glodwick 142 a/o (Doc 7-47)

Mission accomplished, lads. 7 wins in 8 games, absolutely superb. Well done all!

Friday, September 5

Its lunch time on friday i'm eating a veg pasty from Greggs and i've got the strange urge to say COME ON!!!!! Can't really shout it in the office (they may think i'm a tad bizarre!!)
Speaking of opponents, Kieran from West Leigh has signed the guestbook (again!). A shout out to him - an excellent game last weekend, hope for more of the same next year. BTW, I had a very nice email from Mark P too, hoping for a sporting game tomorrow. I can only echo that, behave boys!!

Lads, are we up for it tomorrow? Of COURSE we are!

Ahead of the weekend festivities, Big Bird passed on some Peter Kay one-liners. They cracked me up ... enjoy!

So I was having dinner with Garry Kasparov and there was a check tablecloth. It took him two hours to pass me the salt.

I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week, phoned her up to arrange a date but unfortunately she'd popped her clogs.

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly; but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it.

So I said "Do you want a game of Darts?", he said "OK then", I said "Nearest to bull starts". He said "Baa", I said "Moo", he said "You're closest".

You see I'm against hunting, in fact I'm a hunt saboteur. I go out the night before and shoot the fox.

The other day I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow. I rang her up, I said "Did you get my drift?".

So I went down the local supermarket, I said "I want to make a complaint, this vinegar's got lumps in it", he said "Those are pickled onions".

I saw this bloke chatting up a cheetah, I thought "he's trying to pull a fast one".

But I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself.

So I met this gangster who pulls up the back of people's pants, it was Wedgie Kray.

So I went to the Chinese restaurant and this duck came up to me with a red rose and says "Your eyes sparkle like diamonds". I said "Waiter, I asked for a-ROMATIC duck".

But I'm in great mood tonight because the other day I entered a competition and I won a years supply of Marmite......... one jar.

So this bloke says to me, "Can I come in your house and talk about your carpets?". I thought "That's all I need, a Je-hoover's witness".

You see my next door neighbour worships exhaust pipes, he's a catholic converter.

So I rang up British Telecom, I said "I want to report a nuisance caller", he said "Not you again".

He said "You remind me of a pepper-pot", I said "I'll take that as a condiment".

Now did you know all male tennis players are witches, for example Goran,even he's a witch.

And I've got a friend who's fallen in love with two school bags, he's bisatchel.

So I was in Tesco's and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said "Are you two an item?".

So a lorry-load of tortoises crashed into a train-load of terrapins, I thought "That's a turtle disaster".

Four fonts walk into a bar The barman says "Oi - get out! We don't want your type in here".

A jump-lead walks into a bar. The barman says "I'll serve you, but don't start anything".

A priest, a rabbi and a vicar walk into a bar. The barman says, "Is this some kind of joke?".

A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says "Sorry we don't serve food in here".

Dyslexic man walks into a bra.

A seal walks into a club...

There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Amal." The other goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan". Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, "But they are twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."
Lads - we need your help! The wicket, outfield and pavillion have all improved greatly this season. To ensure this improvement continues, we MUST work on the square (I should include lots of technical agricultural phrases here, but I know nowt!). Basically we need bodies to carry, dig and spread under the instruction of Clive and Dicky P. Saturday 20th September and Sunday 21st are the ideal days to do this work - please do not give me any shit excuses on Saturday - they carry double fines!

Wednesday, September 3

Like it!

Owing to a few problems viewing the final pics, I've now added a new page available from the menu on the left, or above! Cheers to Bird for the pics!

Tuesday, September 2

I see I escaped a fine for actually winning the toss then? Fantastic. If you forgot ... diddums!

Monday, September 1

Doc - if you are forcing the point - 20p for Russ's 5-for; 20p for Skunners's 50; 50p for non attendance at fines (again!); 20p for being carted; 20p for family; 20p for not wrapping bat round bowlers head after "didumms" comment (although you did have last word); 20p for saying Richard was pushing it in attempting to suggest he pay only £1 in fines - then doing exactly the same!; 20p for not attending committee meeting; 20p for getting out on 98; = £2.00 for cash. It seems a lot harsher when typed instead of spoken - sorry! Everyone else paid minimum of £2.00 on Saturday.

What was the state of fine-age on Saturday night and do I owe you anything (other than money for that bat ;-))
Allready Started!
Facial hair eh? Does this mean that Osama can regrow that ridiculous beard?
Tremendous effort, Paul - great knock! You're a d'head for getting out on 98 though! (didumms) Team game - my arse! Big claps on back also to Clive for preparing ground and wicket - 496 runs must be close to being home record?
I'm getting questionned re last match p'up - I'm open to suggestions, but unless I get huge complaints, here is my suggested itinerary:
Stuff East Lancs PM; get to Dungeon for 7.30 pm; go from pub to pub down Bury Road in Batting order of who buys round from kitty; Chicago Rock 11 pm; divorced by Wednesday. I want the theme to be facial hair (wigs/tashes/goatees/sideys/etc) and for it to be compulsary for everyone and for the start of game (ie arrive hirsute in Radcliffe).
Any comments, please get to me before committee meeting.
I have spare wigs........
Morning all,

well what a game that was on Saturday, and once again we were superb for half the match and then switched off for a time! Having scored a titanic 268-6, how did we almost let it slip?? We must focus, focus, focus!!

Anyway, congrats to Scunners for his superb 68, easily the best I have seen him bat, and a pleasure to stand at the other end and enjoy, it must be said. Very much enjoyed my 98, though really thought the run out decision was harsh - still, it's a team game and it was worth the risk. Must also say well done to Birdy for an excellent all round game - 33 not out in rapid time and a very good 5 wickets. We did manage to pull out a big final few overs to take the 5th point, so well done all.

Some tough selection dilemmas for the coming weekend with 3 faces back again in Flash, Dickie P and Ducky!

Just a quick note to Cliff and other committee members, I won't be able to attend on Thursday as I will be in London (work).


Sunday, August 31


Don't forget the meeting this Thursday at The Old Dundeon Inn starting at 8pm.

Friday, August 29

I think i should go in at no 3!
Dickie P, Shame on you for trying to influence the fines committee! I move that he be fined more for sheer insolence and for leaving the number 3 post to go out on the Toon. It's an outrage! Who's going to bat at 3 now eh? eh? COME ONNNNNNNNNN! btw, we'd be nearly winning that last 6 competition if it wasn't for falling short against Springhead. I suppose that'll be my fault then ...
Brackers - it was Ar Lad's b'day yesterday and he was STILL going on about you ont' coop steps - COME ON!
Oh yeah I forgot COME ON !!!!!!!
Im just guessing CDO that your up for tomorrows game! I don't know if you've checked but we're 5th in the last six cometition so if we can get 10 points from the last 3 games we should be high up! Has anyone seen the BT excellent photo!
good enough for me, vice.....COME ON!!!!
Your Captain expects!

Thursday, August 28

Q: How to get UP for playing the bottom of the league on a damp last Saturday in August when you've just conquered the world?
A: a) Double the fines b)Triple the fines c) Rise to the challenge of proving our cup form can be continued in the league.
If your answer is a) collect 3 points, b) 0 points and a slap, c) 10 points - good boy!

Wednesday, August 27

Just a quick (late) note for selection - I'm unavailable this weekend - sorry

Tuesday, August 26

I've just been speaking to the "crew" they had a really good day on sunday and they'll probably come down to a few more games!!! Oh dear!
must be net session tonight (MJ has me bag!) - if only to continue back slapping and hand shaking!
Ar lad says well done boys - loved it. I said we always play like that and never lose.....
AVE IT!!! Excellent stuff lads! Still not really sunk in that weve won. Is there a practice tonight?

Monday, August 25

Fan-bloody-tastic, tickety boo and very well done

Great celebration, bad head.

Gents (and ladies)

Many many congratulations on a fantastic team and CLUB performance in this year's Calverley Cup competition. Every single player who has contributed to the 4 victories deserves a huge mention and vote of thanks from me, not just the 11 who put in such a wonderful bowling and fielding display yesterday. Well done to the two Nicks, young Jedi, Ducky and the others who turned out in the early rounds when we were desperately short of players and low on confidence, you have all done us proud.

Yesterday's victory makes all the season's highs and lows worthwhile. From the cautious start afforded by Flash, the CDO's valuable knock, my quickfire 43 and the very useful runs that Scoffer, Dickie, Cliff and the others ground out, to the sensational opening spell of Flash and Scoffer, it was a vintage effort. After 20 overs of their reply, Glodwick had managed to score about 25 - what a sensational bowling and fielding display. We can't overlook birthday boy Scunners, who kept his nerve superbly with 7 very tight overs, and Bird's top class spin bowling ONCE AGAIN!

Very, very chuffed indeed, and following on from Saturday's super effort to take 5 points, it's been a memorable weekend all round. It was also particularly pleasing to see Micky J, Nick and Graham F, Ross, Mike A and the other players who had turned out for the 2nds to turn up and join the celebrations late on - cheers fellas!

Top night at the Robin too!!!

Highlights of the day? Too many to mention them all, but Kieran's moon to our female supporters, Dasher getting ribbed by Martin Kay, Dickie P's sensational catch - and honesty when he realised it had gone over for 6, and the support of our friends and families.
I know it's getting early but ..... Well done to the lads !!!!!!! Great performance.

Friday, August 22

ooh you are a wag. butch batting well so far - come on!
Is MJ's garden on a slope - thus making him an uphill gardener?

If you eat 4 breakfasts, you are a big pig! There's a cracking story in the news at the moment about a cricket club in Swansea offering 100 quid to the first batsman to smash a ball into Catherine Zeta Jones back garden. You can read the full story online. I'd like to match the offer - the first player to hit the ball into Micky Jones back garden gets 100 quid from me, haha ;-). Bet that doesn't make the news ...
Meet 12.30 tomorrow!! I'm going straight there so will see you at F&H!
Clive - book me x4 breakfasts for Sunday, 10.30a.m. Do we get Black Pudding?
What time are we meeting at the Robin for tomorrows game? Sarahs wrote off the mini so she needs my car for saturday! Dosy Biatch!!
Mark parky, stop being so nosy!!!! ;-)

See you Sunday!


Tuesday, August 19

Rats! My secret life has been exposed. It is true, folks, I really am a member of the Surrey Bottle Collectors Club (scroll down page on link!), though I can't remember why I wanted those dolls heads ...

Meanwhile, there is some truly scary stuff online about you lot. Check out the Bearded Wonder aka Cliff, Osama has a double life as a star of dubious Hong Kong action movies, Dasher Deegan has a fine international reputation as a painter, and it's amazingly possible to buy Birdy on the Net!!

More revelations later!
Oh my giddy aunt! This is marvellous. It's ping pong, Matrix-style!! Whoever thought of this spoof is a genius!

I think we need to do some fielding practice, Matrix-style tonight. Yes indeed.
not able to make selection tonight as i'm bonding with the old man (goin watchin lancs).
have fun at selection folks. i'll have my phone with me if my opinion is sort.

Monday, August 18

Unfortunate loss on sunday for the 2 's after myself and mosser got off to a good start! Will be down on Tuesday for nets as should everybody really. Had a good saturday at my friends wedding got very drunk indeed and obviously made a complete arse of myself. Unlucky for the 1's on saturday i wish i could have been there! Practice is needed in all areas i think more fielding again for tuesday!
FULL squad net session should be guaranteed by selection worries for final - we are all not only fighting for our place but also need every bit of practise possible.
Unlucky on Saturday lads ;-(. Have to say that we had a great day out with our weekend visitors, took them to Chester Zoo on Saturday where we said hello to the most graceful tiger you'ver ever seen - huge thing, walked around with a very arrogant air, as if to say "I am so much better and more powerful than the other animals here"!! Was nice and hot too. From the reports Dickie and Cliff have passed on, Bird and Freddie bowled very well and there were some very good batting efforts too ...

Looking forward to getting back in the swing, but not to tomorrow's selection meeting where we have some real dilemmas with people playing themselves into contention! 15 into 11 is a struggle and it's going to be very tough not to annoy people I fear. Luckily (?) Nellie and Nick are away otherwise it would have been very, very difficult indeed.

We need a full 5 man team for selection please for reasons discussed at committee meeting last week!

Friday, August 15

Be warned...camels aren't the most comfortable form of transport 9yet reliable in hot weather).
Good luck tomorrow boys (and COME ON YOU WHITES!!!!!... I'll be monitoring in one of the 'sports bars' whilst checking for TSJ updates)
Hope to see y'all at nets on Tues.

el camellero
I don't know whether Springhead has access to this, but.........WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU BOYS ONE HELL OF A WUPPING TOMORROW......COME ON!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 14

Amazingly, our spies have managed to track down Mr Ainscoe ...

Mike on the loose

What's up - is it true that Mr Moz is making (another) comeback?? Surely he'll have retired (and come back again) by the time I'm home??
Off to 'ride a camel' today - I'll leave you to work that one out.

Wednesday, August 13

Greetings all from sunny Lanzarottie! where even the exploits of TSJCC are makiing the news!! Just to put on record an immense well done for the continued cup exploits - and hope to see you all soon on a cricket field near home!!!
Anyone out there enjoy conspiracies and weird phenomena? If you do try this superb UFO site. While covering all the usual things such as crop circles, alien abductions, Planet X and so on, it fails to touch on some of the more relevant mysteries of our time, such as why does Steve Hinchley umpire all our games, Cliff's pyrotechnic car and Osama's pre-season goatee.
Excellent net session last night lads, and some superb fielding practice. All hail Nick F for his 100% record in the skier competition!! It was particularly impressive given the half light we were practicing under!

1st XI selection for Saturday v Springhead (home, meet 1pm)
Vice (c!!), Cliff, Bird, CDO, Dickie P, Dasher Deegan, Nicklaters, Freddie, Shaggy, Jedi, A N Other

Resources are a bit stretched with myself, Osama, Ducky, Scoffer, Garv and Nellie unavailable.

Tuesday, August 12

I heard you praising the CDO's impeccable technique and soft hands on Sunday, Osama! The young Jedi has other things on which to focus his mind, such as an imminent turn to the Dark Side and the donning of a dark helmet.

In case you're wondering about the CDO's soft hands, here's the secret ...

Honey Hand Cream

I hope you mean the young Jedi!
You can leave me out your bonding session!
Kieran, I still love you. And so does Matt.
just taking had a bloody good weekend....thought I'd get yer feet back on tera firma and stop all that trumpet blowing.....
Kieran, I love you.

Monday, August 11

cautious start...bludgeoned....= wrong words
highest partnership of game setting the foundation....uncultured slogging...= right words
well done to the first xi for the splendid preformance against EV.
as for the 2nd xi we suffered a narrow defeat against greenfield. batting let us down and we only posted 107 all out, with the runs coming from baza, moza and the old man in the main.
team bowled well and in most fielded well but it seems we need to have scored afew more runs as greenfields got the total with 5 overs and two wickets left. the old man got 3, moza got 2 but should of had more, smithy got 1 and i got 2 lbws.
of course for everyone there the main talking point of the afternoon was the feast greenfield call tea! so so much food it would last a season. so for the second teamers who turned out for the1st you missed out there.
anyway there is always next year, lets pray they dont go up!

Sunday, August 10


Without question the best weekend of the season, and one of the most exciting I can remember for a good few years.

Here are the quick facts for those who don't know.

TSJCC 226-9 (Doc 83, Garvey 45, Ducky 34, Jonesy 21 n.o., Cliff 19)
Failsworth 177-9

An absolutely excellent all round performance. After an early struggle to 7-2, Garv and I put on 120, and after we both fell pressing the accelerator we had a little collapse. Enter Ducky, Cliff and Jonesy who scored a superb 70 off the last 12 to put us in command. Some super early bowling and then good work from Garv and Birdy, and we took command. Excellent fielding, but we just failed to claim the 5th point.

TSJCC 129 a/o
Elton Vale 80 a/o (Bird 3-9, Scoffer 4-20, Doc 2-10)

A quite breathtaking fielding and bowling performance eased us into the cup final for the first time in 5 seasons and guaranteed us some silverware. After a cautious start from Garv and the CDO, I bludgeoned a rapid 29, but then we collapsed to 90-7. Cliff and the tail got us to a sub-par 129, and at tea we were still in it, but morale was down. A few inspirational words from everyone and we were off and running. Vice took a blinding catch in the first over, I took a wicket with my 5th ball and then it was game on. Within 6 overs we had EV at 14-5 and boy were we on song. After a small recovery, Bird entered the fray and bowled probably his best spell for us that I can remember. Flight, guile and no little turn. A couple of sharp slip catches were snaffled and all of a sudden it was 9 down. The number 11 batted carefully, but another Bird tweaker, I took the catch and it's back to EV in 2 weeks for the final!

Absolutely superb team performance today, very proud and happy, and now let's bring it home. Good to see the Robbos, Mark Parky and Nelly there late on.

Friday, August 8

Don't really need any words of inspiration for this weekends cricket. I don't think i've been more gutted about a cricket game than i was against Failsworth! So in the words of myself "COME ON". I hope there will be some socialising this weekend I've got a pass out as saz is in london this weekend!
Excellent committee meeting last night, some progress on issues such as drainage, end of season presentations and the like, but I just want to flag up one particularly amusing moment. Dickie and Cliff were talking about getting soil and sorting out the pitch at the end of the year, as normal. After about 10 minutes in-depth discussion of soils and so on, I said "so, we'll need about 100 bags then". At this point Cyril pipes up "What's in a bag?" There was a dramatic pause of about half a second and then, in unison, Scoop, Birdy and myself shouted "SOIL".

You had to be there!

Would also like to add for the record that there were some truly excellent one-liners about Cliff's exploding car as well!!

Good luck to everyone for the weekend, it's a very important couple of days, we need a win against Failsworth to avenge our dreadful capitulation earlier this season when we were well in control, and then on Sunday there's a cup final place to earn ... come on everyone!!! And good luck to the 2nds for their long haul to Greenfield!

Wednesday, August 6

We had good fun at nets last night, especially after the nets came down and we did some fielding - good to see Matts young and old, the two Mozzers, Scoop Doggy, Dickie P and the CDO scurrying about all over the place in fading light!

1st XI Selections for weekend:

Saturday - Home v Failsworth, meet ground 1pm
Doc P (c), Cliff, Birdy, CDO, Osama, Dickie P, Vice, Ducky, Steve S, Garvey Hudson and young Jedi Ablett

Sunday - Away v Elton Vale - Cup S/F, match starts 1.30pm, meet at EV 12.45pm
Doc P (c), Cliff, Birdy, CDO, Osama, Dickie P, Vice, Ducky, Garvey Hudson, Scoffer and Dasher Deegan

Tuesday, August 5

I'm not available next weekend either, guess Paul S will be shouldering the pace attack! I should be there about 6.45ish tonight, traffic permitting! Hopefully we can get some decent (sweaty) practice in the glorious weather. Laters ...
I am available for both days this weekend but i can't play next weekend, i'm at a wedding.
hopefully down at crompton meadows early (17.30ish) tonight so if anyone can get down early to lend a hand putting nets up and have a longer practice in this glorious weather please get down asap. cheers

Monday, August 4

Long time no blog....

Just returned from a week in rainy Wales. Seems I need to be on hols to find time to post anything. Belated well done for the Robbies result - a bit of consistency required me thinks!!

Concerning news re vandalism - 'should?' be able to make the committee meet but will definitely be down on Tuesday.

Finally, am available for selection (no really) this weekend albeit understand will be bottom of pile in view of my absence so far this season.

See you on Tuesday

Laters (seems to be the correct way to end one of these??)
Not too sure about my availability on saturday. I might be at a wedding, i'll let you know on tuesday.

Cheers for warning re committee meeting - first I've heard of it.

Poor performance on Saturday in all departments, but it was a very bad toss to lose (sorry!!!). Need to sharpen up dramatically for the weekend double header, and especially Sunday. Great news of Glodwick beating Robbies. It was good to see Big Bird back at the weekend, and also a good bowling effort from Matt.

Sunday, August 3

Don't forget the meeting on Thursday 7th Aug at 8pm in the Dungeon.
Main items on agenda will be vandalism on pavilion and how we can stop it. We have had alot of damage this weekend.

Glodwick have beaten Robbies in Calverley Cup Semi. Also note change of date and venue for final (Should we get there!!) - Sun 24th Aug at Greenmount.

Friday, August 1

Have now updated the player profiles - check them out by clicking on the link on the left side of the page. If anyone wants to amend their profile or add anything to anyones(!) then please let me or Cliff have the changes!

Thursday, July 31

It certainly is. But you were opening anyway ;-)
is it national orgasam day.
NO!! That was yesterday ... ;-) But a good try!
The first person who can post what National Day it is today can open the batting on Saturday ;-)

Oh yes!

Wednesday, July 30

1st XI selection for Saturday v Roch Cath Club (a)

Doc (c), Big Bird, Osama, Knightsthatsaylaters, Garvey Hudson, Nellie Butt, Big Ross Mc (tbc), Ducky (tbc), Dickie P, Icon Deegan, Young Jedi Ablett

Meet Robin Hood 12.45pm
Well what can I say Congrates to the 1st for a fantastic win on sat. Had a fantastic time on the boat. Available on Saturday but you seem to win when i don't play!!!! Anyway see you on saturday

Tuesday, July 29

Yup, we do need an upgrade, I'll get onto it tomorrow ... if you want to do any feel free - we need profiles for Jedi, Shaggy, Freddy etc as you say. Any and all welcome - plus any edits to existing ones!!!
Cheers for reminding me.
paul i was looking through the player profiles and i noticed that an up grade of info may be needed. additions to the club like freddie and shaggy are required, and how about the vicar!!!! i know you do a good job with it all but some havent changed for a while. cheers fella, and if you need a hand writing any comments drop us a line of which to write and i will email them to you to edit.
laters fella
Hi - and bye - Bobby!

Mid-season NMCL averages are out, and we have a couple of representatives. Amazingly, I'm in the top 4 bowlers at the half-season stage (?!) while in Division 4, Micky J features in the top keepers, despite limited appearances. East Lancs are dominating the batting honours, surprisingly, while two Catholic Club bowlers feature - we'll meet them on Saturday!

Nets looks set to be washed out tonight, so selection will be done by phone I guess. The current 1st XI selection is as follows:

Doc (c), Big Bird, Ross McM, Dickie P, Matt Cotton, Garvey Hudson, Jedi Ablett, Nellie Butt, KnightsThatSayLaters, Icon Deegan and Ducky*.

* keeper in Cliff, Jonah and Bobby's absence

Cry-offs asap please! Or, preferably, don't!

Monday, July 28

Just looking back at friday's comments ...

"really looking forward to witnessing our superb new opening partnership of Ablett and Hudson, pitting the handsome rogue of yesteryear with the tearaway Jedi of the future!"

Aside from the fact that this was our final wicket partnership, not opening partnership, I think we can categorically say we ALL enjoyed watching that one! Breathtaking stuff.

Just to echo the comments below, a fantastic performance on Saturday, very proud of you all. Some excellent performances from ALL ELEVEN, though Dickie P was distraught with his duck ... but his contribution was immense, keeping me going through my early batting struggles and urging me not to chuck it away. Cheers, Rich. Need to echo Cliff's comments and thank Rob Ablett for kindly picking up Shaggy too, that was vital!

Great also to see Vice down at the game with rapidly de-swelling eye. He'll be back soon!

What a stupendous catch from Cliff to get rid of Stapleton too, a vital wicket. Must congratulate darren from Robbies on his ton, a very hard-hitting knock indeed. Nellie Butt rolling back the years with a superb performance with the ball, we had Dasher "I'm an icon" Deegan's superman impersonation on the boundary (not to mention him being caught out by a 5 year old), young Jedi's coolness in the field and big Garvey's fantastic game-winning knock at the death.

Well done all, and no fines this week as a reward for a superb run chase, and indeed comeback from Robbie's 140odd for 1 at half way! Bring on the Catholics!

Oh yes, and me and Hels, Dickie and Kaye, and Cliff had a lovely time at Ross' do on Saturday night - some lovely food, good company and Ross in a kilt!!!! ;-)

Sunday, July 27

Great match yesterday. Good all round team performance. Glad I didn't have to go in down the order. Well done to Nick (Garvey) and young Jedi Matt. Nice to see Garv rolling back the years with a HUGE six before knocking off the winning runs. Special mention to Rob (Jedi's dad) for going to Salford to pick up Shaggy. Well Done !! (I wouldn't risk my car in Salford). What about that catch ?

Saturday, July 26

crompton meadows was the place to be this day (except ross, what with him getting wed and all...) with majesty the mighty saints put pay to the hopes of robinsons of obtaining not just 4pts but 5. meehan leads from the front, with tight performance with the ball but butterworth over shadows this with 6 wickets in his possesion. freddie brings up the rear with a couple. great, great fielding from messers nimo (3 catches) and the young jedi himself (2 catches).
and on to the batting.......butterworth makes it a day to remember with 56 before being caught. freddie with 24 makes yet another impression. skipper meehan, what can be said about his coolness through the days batting. despite numerous rain breaks he steers the good ship totty nearer and nearer the promised land... well 5pts.... but he falls at the last... doom i hear you cry?
hudson steps up and with a huge 6 puts st. johns fingertip away from victory....
with the young jedi buy his side the old master brings it home... no not the holy grail something much more important... 5pts.

for anyone not interested in the bollocks above the stats were:
robinsons 208 all out
tottington st. johns 212 for 9.....meehan alot of runs 60ish (sorry doc dont know full score) butterworth 56, skundric 24ish........ butterworth 6 for?????.

more importantly 5pts to totty!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 25


In all seriousness, I was going to ask you if you fancied it. You're on. You and Jedi!
what about giving the left hand/right hand opening partnership another go. it might fool them in thinking we are playing for a point from the start especially when they see me!!! how about it skip.
you know whats coming next.
Well this weather is a real arse and no mistake. I was really looking forward to witnessing our superb new opening partnership of Ablett and Hudson, pitting the handsome rogue of yesteryear with the tearaway Jedi of the future! That's opening BATTING partnership obviously, no-one in their right minds would entrust the new ball to Garvey Hudson when we have a perfectly decent new ball attack of Brooks and Deegan!

Place your bets now on whether I'm joking ... ;-)

Wednesday, July 23

Team for weekend - Robinsons at Home Doc (c), Cliff, Nellie, Matt A, Bobby, Nick F, Nick H, Dickie P, Dasher, Freddie & Shaggy.

Tuesday, July 22

Good grief:
Springhead II 477 - 5 (Milner 315 not out) 'V' Woodbank III 22 a.o

Is there any chance we could play this Woodbank outfit?

On a lighter note, good to see a new entry in teh guestbook from none other than the Parkinson Exile, Mark, over at Glodwick. Not entirely sure what he means by "annual slanging match", our games with Glodwick are always chipper, friendly affairs ... ;-)

On a more serious note, we have about 5 players available for the weekend. Ducky, you're opening the bowling!