Thursday, December 27

Boxing Day Pics

Hey all,

A few pics from Boxing Day and our success against Brox. Enjoy!

You won't get any keys in there!

Two players inspecting their boxes ...

Kie and Dash brandishing their blades!

TSJ's Christmas party animals

Nelly B strikes out ... check out where the ball is though!

That'll be 50p for teapotting, Cotters!

Mr Chairman and his serf

Dickie P in unfamiliar pose ... not on his arse!

Shot of the day (in both senses). Ash launches the ball over the trees!

Sir Nicholas Garvey Hudson, looking slightly cold

Monday, December 24

I'd hang on to it if I were you Darth, you might see the light and come back!!
see you Weds!!!!

Sunday, December 23

Message from the other side!


I've still got mine so if anybody needs that i'll bring it along just in case.

Merry Christmas and i'll see you all on Boxing Day.


Friday, December 21


cheers mike,

will take them off your hands, can sort out the ''............'' on the day

20/20 kit

Hunty (and anyone else)

I have a 20/20 shirt and sleevless which to be honest I haven't used and am unlikely to use. Its Med size I thin - slim enough for my frame and probably OK for you Matt. Only has my initilas on the labels and is yours for..........let me know and I'll bring them down on Boxing day.
Sorry - no pants!!!!



Any spare kits going?

Boxing Day

Meet 10 30 for 11 start, wear the blue kit.

Team: Ash, Cdo, Russ, Paul, Nelly, Matt H,
Richard P, Dasher, Pete A, Boris, Phil M.

Reserves - Asif, Clive, Mike J.

Any cry offs call me or comittee.

Have a merry xmas everybody

Monday, December 17

Rowdy - Your Programmes!

Rowdy, I have your programmes for Boxing Day, courtesy of Duncan. Can you email me or text and let me know what you want me to do with them (polite suggestions only ...)

Friday, December 14

Boxing Day Squad

Ashley, CDO, Paul, Nelly, Russel, Clive,
Pete A, Matt H, Phil M, Dasher, Boris,
Richard, Mike J.

If i've missed anyone off I apologise. Thanks
for everyone who has made themselves available,
we can only choose 11 but I know a couple of people
are quite happy to have a few beers instead of

I will give everyone a call before the event to confirm

Tuesday, December 11

Latest 100 Club Winners

Congratulations to our November/December 100 Club Winners!


£50 Anna Phillips (c/o Duncan Phillips)
£30 Rachel Brooks
£20 Stuart Hunter


£50 [tbc]
£30 Marjorie Yates (via Phil)
£20 Matt Hunt

Monday, November 26

Boxing Day Programmes

**edit December 5th **

We will be going out around Tottington and surrounding areas on Sat/Sun December 22/23 as a final push to sell any remaining programmes. Please make it known to any of the committee if you can make it out on either of those days - even for an hour!

** end of edit **

Programmes will be ready for sale 2nd week in December – please can you talk about the event with friends/family/work – and pre-sell – you (all players from the 1st / 2nd team from 2004-2007) will be given 20 programmes to sell – the purchaser gains entry to the game and raffle – and the programme has a quiz, local advertising, messages from both cricket teams and a souvenir value (do not take out of original packaging!).

YOU ARE GIVEN THE PROGRAMMES – LIKE LAST YEAR – WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU DO NOT GIVE ANY BACK AND GIVE US 20 X £1.50 EACH = £30. We do not care if you do not sell 20 – you give us £30 whatever – if you do not know 20 people to sell to you need to get out more.

Some suggestions:

Danny – sell programmes to RAC / AA / Insurance co / Police officers / Borstal…..

Rowdy – sell a programme like it is for the Rowdy health charity – sell one for each ailment you have…..

Russ / Clive – how many Fusiliers are there in Bury??????

Nick H – I will give you 120 programmes for family – how many do you require for friends (careful – print run only 1200!)

Paul – the most obscure programme sale goes to you last year – can you do same again?


Sunday, November 18

Race Night Reflections

A pretty decent turnout at the race night - many thanks to all the organisers, Scoop for providing the worst selection of racing jokes imaginable (which I secretly loved, and I've told the 25 to 1 one about 10 times today), those who brought new/extra folks along, the people who dug deep to buy horses and help club funds, Cliff for his generous donation of the champagne, the race comperes who were all excellent in my unbiased view (!), David Crompton for presenting the prizes, Clive, Kath and Nev for manning the tote all night, Kieran for absolutely everything he does (;-)), Nicholas Garvey Hudson for wearing that green shirt, etc etc etc.

A very good night all round! And the mushy peas are STILL repeating on me (Monday edit - not any more)!

Wednesday, November 14


Oh Mat you need to speak to your question master who scored in the Champions League or Europeon Cup after playing for Bury. We have Terry Macdermott, Colin Kazim Richards and yes and Lee Dixon october 2000 against Sparta Prague in the Champions League.

Sunday, November 11


Good find senor Rowdy, I have passed said info onto my quiz guru and will justly slap him next time I see him


Question Mat who scored in the Europeon Cup or Champions League after playing for Bury, Terry McDermott scored in the 1977 Europeon Cup Final

Friday, November 9

Camping it up!

Wednesday, November 7

Race night


Please show your support for the TSJ race night! less than 2 weeks away!

17th November - tickets £5 horses £5 - please get friends / family along for a great night out! Contact Kieran / Clive for attendance

Wednesday, October 24

Final Call for NMCL Tickets!

NMCL Presentation evening - 7.30pm for 8pm Elizabethan Suite Town Hall - Friday 9th November 2007

Those confirmed to KC:

Paul Meehan / Kieran Coe / Clive Brooks / Russell Brooks / Duncan Phillips / Matt Hunt / Martin Deegan / Pete Allen / Nicholas Hudson

We have 1 ticket left from our initial allocation but we can obtain more should there be interest. Please note that we need to confirm final numbers by NOV 1ST! It's a good night (we're getting trophies and there's endless potential for other club banter) and there will be pre-match drinks and almost certainly a post-bash trip to Chicagos too!

Please let Kieran know if you are interested - this is a club night, not just a 1st team event!

Monday, October 22

1st XI Averages 2007

Hi chaps,

The 1st XI averages for 2007 are now online on the right side menu. Congrats to everyone who contributed this year! The 2nds averages will be online once the designated checker gets his finger out!

Thursday, October 11

100 Club Mandates

Gents (and ladies),

I have put an electronic copy of the 100 club standing order mandate on the right menu for you to download and print off for interested friends/family/colleagues. Please note that ALL completed forms should be sent to Duncan first and not directly to the bank!!

Wednesday, October 10

Race Night/NMCL Evening Tickets

Hi folks,

We need to ensure a good turn out at both of November's big events - the NMCL dinner where we'll be picking up a number of trophies, and of course our very own club race night.

Tickets for the NMCL night are £13, which includes dinner, the chance to heckle Catholics and Kieran's obligatory 200yd taxi ride from the library to the Elizabethan Suite. Tickets will be available at the Curry Night on friday, or from Kieran at any time. Please support this - we had a good turnout last year and we are again picking up prizes - the speaker is May Loye, of Lancs and England.

Race night - 36 horses are available from Clive at the usual price of £5; all details are the same as last year. We're also looking for 6 hardy souls to MC a race; this proved quite amusing last year (Scoop!!), so if anyone would like to have a go please help out and don't leave it to the usual folks! Again, let us know on Friday if this interests you.

New 100 Club Winners

Hi all,

The draws for the first two months of the new 100 club have been made and here are the winners:

SEPT: 16 - Richard Peacock, £50; 12 - Clive Brooks, £30; 9 - Martin Deegan, £20
OCT: 5 - Paul Meehan, £50; 13 - Rachel Brooks, £30; 11 - Stefan Phillips, £20

Please can we urge those playing members who have not signed up to do so immediately, and also remind you that friends, family, work colleagues etc are most welcome. At the moment, your chances of winning the top prize on the lottery are approx 1 in 14 million. Your chances of winning top prize in our monthly draw are currently about 32 to 1!

Duncan's going to get an electronic version of the standing order and blurb so I can add it to the site, then any of you can download copies for your friends and family. Please please help support us - every 10 extra people we get makes the club £600, and we're going to need every penny to help the club develop over the next couple of years.

Tuesday, October 2

Committee Meeting and League Averages

There will be a committee meeting on Tues Oct 9th at the Royal (7.30pm) where we'll be getting to grips with race night and progress on the Boxing Day event, among other things - if any non committee members wish to raise any issues, can they get in touch with one of us (me, Kieran, Scott, Clive, Russ, Dickie P, Duncan etc...)

The NMCL averages are now out and Kieran has insisted that I tell you that "after 43 years of trying" I have won the 1st division bowling! Many congrats also to Ashley (5th in Div 1 batting), Micky J (3rd in Div 3 w/k) and Asif (5th in Div 3 bowling) for their high placings! More kudos and silverware for the league dinner!

Friday, September 28

Boxing Day Info!!

Chaps, a message form Kieran. The Boxing Day effort starts NOW!!

BOXING DAY - Programme sponsorship / advertising opportunities - speak to your boss! Speak to yourself! 1/2 page £50 full page £80.

BOXING DAY - Programme distribution - £1.50 each. Each member of TSJCC will be given 20 programmes to sell - no returns = £30.

BOXING DAY - Programme distribution - members will be asked to help with door to door 'foot' sales last 3 weeks in December.

BOXING DAY - Posters are available - please ask Kieran.

BOXING DAY - players availability - see Kieran.


Monday, September 24

Trans Peak Challenge - Thanks

Well, we managed it, 26 long miles completed by the ELG team, of which i was on the course for 24 of them, really great day!!
More importantly in total the event raised just under £60,000 for the British Heart Foundation.
Thanks so much to those from TSJ who sponsored our team, in total we reached a team total of just over £3,500

Thursday, September 20

Trans Peak Challenge

Hello there,

This coming Sunday (23rd Sept) myself and 5 other ELG team mates will be taking part in the Trans Peak Challenge in aid of The British Heart Foundation.

The course is made up of 9 stages:

9km Run
11km Cycle
4.5km Cycle
4km Cycle
3.5km Run
3km Orienteering
3km Run
2.5km Orienteering
2.5km Orienteering

We must have 4 team members on the course at each stage, and all members on the course for the final stage so theres pretty much no let up all day!

As I mentioned, this is all in aid of The British Heart Foundation and our current sponsorship total stands at just over £3,000 so we've reached our origional target but we're now aiming to get past the £3,500 mark.

Any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated as its for such a worthy course! Please email any sponsorship details to


Monday, September 17

Car Boot - We Need You! 7am Sunday

Hi folks,

The 3rd TSJ Car Boot Sale is this Sunday, September 23rd, and we're hoping for/expecting a decent turn out of sellers and buyers! Please can as many TSJers as possible be down at the field from 7am Sunday to help out - with a few regular folks away, we really need you to chip in and not leave it to 1 or 2! There are cars to organise, money to collect, a BBQ and refreshments to sort. Remember that this is a potential moneyspinner for the club and if we do it right, we'll get people back next time!

Can anyone who can spare some time either leave a message here, or let me or Clive know asap! Ta!

Friday, September 14

2nd Team Averages

I will be doing them tonight and tomorrow. Just recieved the bowling figures from the chew moor brook game.


Thursday, September 13

Averages 2007 ...

For those waiting in fevered ancticipation for the averages, they've been done but are just being checked as we don't want a repeat of last year's discussions on the grounds of sanity.

Can I just check, Dan Mozzer, you did take 4 wickets this year, right? ;-)

Wednesday, September 12

cheers guys

thanks for posting those AMAZING photos. in the absence of keeping up with the newsletter this season they've brightened my day. questions:

1. Does Ricky 'the hitman' Hatton look shit scard next to Scott or what??
2. Matt Hunt - if it is you - you scared the f*ck out of me with that look. One to perfect as you run into bowl next season mate

Tuesday, September 11

Groundwork Saturday Sept 15th

Clive, Dickie P, CDO and myself will be down at the ground this coming Saturday, Sept 15th, to perform the annual groundwork, clearing out of pavilion, etc etc. All hands appreciated, the more we do this weekend the better, and the more who come down, the quicker it'll take. There will be folks down from 10.30 so please come along, even if you can only spare half an hour.

Monday, September 10


Scoop, you'll be impressed with some of the stories to come on Thursday. Can you get Ricky down to the football - bet you wouldn't kick lumps out of him would you? ;-)

It has been suggested that we do optional fancy dress for the curry night for those who might wish to continue onto Bury ... any takers? 3 or 4 so far!

Cowboys & Indians


Sounds (and looks) like it was a fantastic night on Saturday.

While you were entertaining Bury I was making new friends....

See you Thursday

Sunday, September 9

Cowboys and Indians

What a fantastic night we had on Sat, some brilliant outfits, terrific pub moments - Dusty Miller - again!!! How much did Bury love us? Those who didn't make the Two Tubs or, latterly, Chicagos, oh my word, you missed a hell of a night! Nelly B, I owe you one (several!) for the pleasant view ... ;-)

Friday, September 7

Car Boot Sale Flyers

Hi folks,

The new car boot sale flyers are available to download and print for anyone who would like to fire some off and distribute ahead of Sunday 23rd ... the link is on the right!

Thursday, September 6


Morning all

And so a new season of 5-a-side starts tonight. The teams are as follows:


Mick J
Phil M


Liams Mate (1)
Liams Mate (2)

See you all later - same place, same time.

Wednesday, September 5

1sts for sat away at Westleigh (meet at Robin Hood at 12.00 pm)

A. Parkinson, P. Meehan, P. Allen, C. Brooks, R. Brooks, N. Butterworth, K. Coe, N. Hudson, A. Iqbal, C. Parkinson, R. Peacock.

Please let Ashley know if you are going straight there.

2nds for sat home v Greenfield (meet at ground at 12.30 pm)

M. Jones, S. Hunter, G. Fletcher, N. Fletcher, M. Hunt, G. Jebb(Jnr), G. Jebb (Snr), P. McManus, D. Moriarty, A. Smith, P.Yates

Any Volunteers for Teas would be greatly appreciated!!

EGM Summary

Hi folks,

A very positive EGM last night, the upshot of which is as follows.

The new TSJ Chairman is Scott Parkinson, with Dasher Deegan stepping into the vacant Vice Chairman role.

The date for the curry night has now also been finally fixed as FRIDAY October 12th. There was a long discussion about whether the 5th or 12th was most suitable, whether indeed the 5th and 12th were Fridays or Saturdays, did the original post really mean the 6th and 13th if it was actually Saturday, and we had just about finally come to an agreement about Friday 12th when Dickie Peacock piped up "I can't do Saturday the 7th". Cue uproar!

Sunday, September 2

Bad News

Following Todays rained off fixture between Tsjcc 2nds and Elton III we have been relegated to the NMCL Division 4, ELPM II beat Failsworth Macedonia II yesterday

Saturday, September 1

Football Starts this Thurs!

Well that was one of the shortest games ever - 1sts bowled 7 man Blackley out for 17 this afternoon and knocked them off for 1 in 6 overs ... game over at 2.35!

Scott has asked me to remind anyone interested that our annual 5 a side extravaganza starts this coming Thursday, September 6th, at Castlebrook High School, 9-10pm. We're looking for a couple of new players, so if anyone's interested in joining in the fun please let me, Dickie or Scoop know asap (or at the EGM on Tuesday). The weekly cost is 4 pounds, all profits go into club funds of course, so it's not only a cracking hour, it helps the club!

Wednesday, August 29

Micky J - Div 3's No.1 keeper

Micky J - I shall be going straight to Elton on Sunday.
I would have hoped you'd got my name spelt correctly by now.
Checking the weekend selection, looks like Asif has a busy weekend too...

2nd Team for Elton (away) on Sun 2/9/07

M. Jones

M. Ainscoe

G. Fletcher

R. Holt

M. Hunt

A. Iqbal

G. Jebb (J)

G. Jebb (S)

P. McManus

D. Moriarty

P. Yates

Res: A Smith

Scorer: M. McManus? – Can you let me know Phil or Mark?

Meet at the Robin Hood at 12.30 or Elton by 1pm. Please let me know if you are going straight there!!

Sorry Mike, realised about sp. before seeing your blog but you beat me to it!


Ashley, Doc, Nelly, CDO, Pete, Clive, Boris,
Craig, Asif, Richard, Nick Hud.

Meet Ground 12.30

Tuesday, August 28

Upcoming events!

Congrats to Nelly for his hundred and 7 wickets on Sat and also commiserations to Dasher for the broken bone ...

Please take note of the upcoming events listed above. Next week is particularly important, with an extraordinary general meeting for all members on Tuesday and then it's Cowboys and Indians night on Sat 8th! Yee haaa! The date of the race night/presentation evening has also been set, so please mark it in your diaries/calendars - we need a better turn out than last year to help move towards our fundraising targets!

Wednesday, August 22

1. 30 start!!!!!!!!!!

1sts for sat away at Springhead (meet at Robin Hood at 12.00 pm)

A. Parkinson, P. Allen, C. Brooks, N. Butterworth, K. Coe, M. Deegan, N. Hudson, D. Moriarty, C. Parkinson, R. Peacock, D. Phillips.

Please let Ashley know if you are going straight there.

2nds for sat home v Farnworth (meet at ground at 12.30 pm)

M. Jones, G. Fletcher, N. Fletcher, R. Holt, M. Hunt, A. Iqbal, G. Jebb (Jnr), G. Jebb (Snr), P. McManus, P.Yates, TBA.

Phil Mc, is Mark back for scoring?

Any Volunteers for Teas would be greatly appreciated!! Ring me or text me!

Monday, August 20

League averages

League averages show a few of our lads leading the way. Don't know how long they've been up, but only just noticed them. Anyway, in a nutshell:

Nelly B and Doc P leading the Div 1 bowling stats, both weighing in with wickets at less than ten apiece. Paul has twive as many wickets but is a tad more expensive. Meanwhile, even though the 2's are struggling in Div 3, our glorious leader Mickey Jones (NOT Welsh) Jones leads the wicket keepers table with 11 victims!!!!

Don't know if we should now just pray for rain for the last 3 weekends to secue some league honours.

Friday, August 17

watch out

possibly another marathon developing on the 2nds blogsite!!!! see 'best performances' and hang on.

Thursday, August 16

keep up with the jones'

Mick, you have not been keeping up! I cannot call you as i have lost my phone. But you have a house phone i hear you cry. Unfortunately i do not have your number stored in my house phone, or, like back in the olden days, my head.

I will meet y'all at the robin at whatever the stated time was.

found it!!!

be going straight there then


Would like to go straight to Robbies on Sat if someone would kinly remind me where it is - I know, but it's been a year since we went there...otherwise, I'll be at the Robin on time.

First new signing for 2008!!!

In case anyone's been wondering where Kieran has been recently, we sent the CDO on a secret recruitment drive overseas. Here is evidence of our first new signing for 2008 - a left hander who should fit in at around number 6 in our line-up ;-)


Wednesday, August 15

Many thanks, from the selection committee, for all those who played two or even three games last weekend as well as the all the sons and friends who helped make up the numbers and reduce the level of fines the club will receive. It was a big ask to get five sides out at the peak of the holiday season. We only have to put out two teams this weekend!!

1sts for sat home to Robinsons (meet at ground at 1pm)

A. Parkinson, P. Meehan, P. Allen, C. Brooks, N. Butterworth, K. Coe, M. Deegan, N. Hudson, A. Iqbal, C. Parkinson, D. Phillips.

2nds for sat away at Robinsons (meet at Robin Hood at 12.45)

M. Jones, M. Ainscoe, G. Fletcher, N. Fletcher, M. Hunt, G. Jebb (Jnr), G. Jebb (Snr), P. McManus, D. Moriarty, A. Smith, P.Yates.

Please let me know if you are going straight there and Smithy can you give me a ring?

Tuesday, August 14

Rob Holt

Did take a wicket against Failsworth Macedonia II he came out with figures of 5 overs 1 maiden 18 runs 1 wicket and was also 1 not out with the bat

back also

..unfortunately not in time for last Sun's fixture but available this weekend if selected


Good to see you back smithy, only the bottom club goes down

and the rain comes again

Just to let you know, i am back from my hols and am available for weekend selection. Unfortunately my phone did not return from our hols so email or home phone are my only forms of contact.

Good to read Mr Holt was back in action and picking up fielding points - no wickets though!

If all matches are rained off till the end of the season will we go down? Is it the bottom 2, or just the bottom team that goes?

Friday, August 10

Life in the seconds website

All updated so please check it out

Doing the averages now! Stupid o clock in the morning!


Thursday, August 9

Weekend Selection

The 2nd team DO have a game on Saturday!

It’s going to be a difficult weekend with 3 league games and the 20/20 competition so it’s all hands to the pump.

1sts for sat away at Ashton (meet at Robin Hood at 12.30)

P. Meehan, P. Allen, C. Brooks, R. Brooks, N. Butterworth, M. Deegan, R. Peacock, D. Phillips, N. Hudson, G. Jebb (Jun), T. Proudlove.

2nds for sat home versus Chew Moor Brook (meet at ground at 1pm)

M. Jones, G. Fletcher, M. Hunt, A. Iqbal, G. Jebb (Snr), J. Lloyd, D. Moriarty, P. McManus, A. Singh, P.Yates, TBA

Squad for game 1 at 10am at Woodbank on Sunday

A. Parkinson, P. Meehan, P. Allen, C. Brooks, R. Brooks, N. Butterworth, M. Deegan, R. Peacock, D. Phillips, N. Fletcher, G. Jebb (Jnr), D. Moriarty.

Squad for game 2 at Woodbank on Sunday

A. Parkinson, P. Meehan, P. Allen, C. Brooks, R. Brooks, N. Butterworth, M. Deegan, R. Peacock, D. Phillips, N. Fletcher, A. Smith

Team for 2nd team game against Thornham on Sunday (Meet at Robin Hood at 12.30pm)

M. Jones, M. Ainscoe, G. Fletcher, M. Hunt, A. Iqbal, G. Jebb (Jnr), G. Jebb (Snr), J. Lloyd, D. Moriarty, P. McManus, P.Yates. Res: A Singh

Apologies about late posting- there have been complications!

Tuesday, August 7

20/20 awaits!

Selection tonight will try and get together a squad for 20/20 on Sunday - we may need some players for the morning game (10.30) who can then go off and play for 2s later!

Raise a glass ...

Barcelona boys Phil and Matt show the cameraman two frothing glasses. On the left, we see how much pee was taken out of the club by FOURTEEN players being unavailable last week, and on the right we see how much pee was taken by me opening the bowling with 3 slips and a gully on Saturday when we only had 7 players on the field ;-)

Matt and Phil take the pee

Wednesday, August 1

2nd Team for Failsworth (away) on Sat 4/8/07

M. Jones
S. Hunter
G. Fletcher
R. Holt
G. Jebb (J)
G. Jebb (S)
J. Lloyd
P. McManus
D. Moriarty
A. Singh
P. Yates

Meet at the Robin Hood at 12.30. Please let me know if you are going straight there!

Tuesday, July 31

Cricket weather forecast site!

Thanks to Craig for spotting this. There's now a website which offers customised cricket weather forecasts! The link is below and I've added it to the list on the right, it's stupendous!

Put in our postcode (BL8), start time of 14, end time of 19 and the date, and it'll tell you what to expect. Apparently this week will favour swing bowling. Come on Asif!

Dickie P - Orgasmic Moments Await

weekend selection

1st XI vs Failsworth at home, meet ground 1pm

If anyone can get down in the morning to help me, Dickie and Russ, it would be appreciated!

Paul (c), Scunners, Russ, Asif, Dickie P, Craig, Dasher, Pete (w/k), Nick Hud, Matt Hunt, Nick Flecture(!)
12thers: Rowdy Yates

New date for 20/20

Hi folks,

We have a new date for the 20/20 competition. We've been assigned to Sunday August 12th at Woodbank. The third team in the group is expected to be Edgworth. Unfortunately the 2nd team is playing that day and we may also have first teamers missing so it could be a bit threadbare!

Friday, July 27

all the best

All the best clive, have a good one fella!


Just like add my congrats Clive i hope you and your lady have a great day.

The Big Moment ...

The TSJ BlogSquad can now bring you exclusive footage of the moment that Cliff did the decent thing and went down on bended knee ... (image courtesy SeniorParky Productions)

cliff on bended knee

Thursday, July 26

Hear Hear

or here here?? no, I won't get started on that; just to echo Doc P's blog as I shall be mid-Atlantic come Saturday afternoon, but there in spirit. All the best folks - hope it's a great day.
May all your punctuation mistakes be small ones and if you ever have a fence which needs painting........

Good luck Clive and Rachel!

I trust you all will join me in wishing Clive and Rachel all the best for their wedding on Saturday - may the sun shine and Clive smile!

I've known Clive for almost 31 years, since he and I were 4, and in all that time ... he's not changed a bit. Speaking from a club perspective, Clive IS TSJCC, and has been almost singlehandedly responsible for keeping the ground and club in order for many years - it's safe to say that without Clive, and his ilk, our club would probably no longer be around; so on that score we owe him a huge debt of thanks. Until you realise just how much work goes into getting the ground ready week in and week out, and see the volumes of correspondence Clive deals with on a weekly basis, it's hard to fathom just how much effort, time and love he's put into our club.

So, hats off to you Clive. I hope Saturday is a wonderful day for you, old friend!

Wednesday, July 18

2nd Team Selection

For Saturday 21st July at Home against Thornham.

M. Jones
S. Hunter
M. Ainscoe
G. Fletcher
M. Hunt
G. Jebb (J)
G. Jebb (S)
P. McManus
D. Moriarty
A. Smith
P. Yates

Res: T. Proudlove

Scorer: M. McManus

Meet at ground 1pm.

Please refer all comments about typographical errors to my spelling guru Phil ' the word' Yates!?!

1st XI for weekend

vs Elton Vale (away), meet ground 1.30pm (unless you're involved in Clive's wedding rehearsal, in which case get your arse there as fast as possible ... Russ ;-))

Ash (c), Pete (w/k), Paul, Kieran, Nelly, Duncan, Dickie P, Russ, Asif, Craig, Nick Fletcher (late replacement for N. Flecture)

12th man: Chadders
Unlucky for some: Matt H

Monday, July 16


Hi Ducky,

Delightful picture - the joys of fatherhood!

Yes Jebby Snr's return has provided us with some great moments, not least a selection meeting recently when Ash, Jonsy, Shunter and me were trying to weigh up the tricky final spot in the team based on a whole range of criteria, one of which was numbers of heart attacks (with apologies to those concerned, we weren't laughing at the issue, just at how ridiculous selection processes can sometimes be!!) ;-)

We also have Jebby Jnr, who possesses the largest feet in the club!


Yeah graham Jebb Snr is back in action for the 2's. currently holds seasons best bowling figures of 3 for 5 on saturday.

what's up boys and girls

Hi all

Hope everyone doing good!! Is Clive a married man yet?? if so congrats, if not you can still change your mind buddy. looks like you have had some good wins when it's not raining. it's been 90 degrees here for the past three weeks and not seen any rain. Still not found anywhere to play cricket over here so I started a softball team with some guys at work. So I'm still keeping my eye in it's pretty cool to hit a home run but still nothing compared to hitting the leather with the good old willow over the boundary ( unless your rowdy and cannot get it off the square ) Are things that I'm reading true G Jebb Snr making a come back, has he got 2 new knees and the trained worm working. The picture is Clarissa ( if you couldn't tell ) shes doing great speak to you all soon from across the pond and enjoy the cricket. Ducky

Sunday, July 15

Another spelling error by Rowdy

Its Moriarty not Morriarty lol!

Friday, July 13

loving it

so, which university did Rowdy go to?? Actually, which Primary school did he go to????

Mopping Up

Can we try and get as many people down in the morning
to try and get the square and outfield fit to play.

Thursday, July 12

Calling MR Ainscoe ...

I hope you're getting all this down! I LOVE this club!

Sorry Nick

I am putting the blame firmly on Micky J, i'm sure i asked him for a spell check. But whats ia a name.

For God Sake Rooowdy

I do hope you are having a little joke when spelling the old man's and my surname.

it's FLETCHER not Flecture!

Thank you i just had to get that off my chest, i let it go the first time!

Wednesday, July 11

2nd Team Sat at East Lancs

G JEBB (Jnr)
G JEBB (Snr)


Saturday teams

Anyone going to blog the confirmed weekend teams?

1sts at home v ELPM, 2nds at ELPM

As far as I can recall, the 1sts is:

Ash (c), Paul, Clive, Russ, Kieran, Nelly, Pete, Asif, Dickie P, Rowdy and Duncan

2nds was provisionally:

Mike J, Shunter, Mike A, Smiffy, Matt H, Phil Mc, Dan Mozzer, Jebby Jnr, Jebby Snr, Graham F and Jamie Lloyd res: T Proudlove

Tuesday, July 10


Mike tells me i'm playing for the firsts, can anybody pick me up on saturday please.

Sunday, July 8


A genuinely great game yesterday, and a fantastic time at the Man Yuen - cheers to Duncan for arranging it and also to Dickie P and Micky J for two all-time hall of fame remarks. Dickie told us that apparently 99% of all the world's glass is made in either France or (dramatic pause) Turkey, and Micky followed up the recent St John's/St John/St Johns discussion by telling us of the existence of an "Apostrophe Preservation Society". Shunter, Leslie and I were all ears. I googled it and he's right ... ;-).

Well done also Gill Parkinson for eating ... everything - where does she put it? Bonus marks for the 1st team skipper for his Calvin Klein T-shirt and designer stubble. A career in the revival of New Kids on the Block awaits!

Thursday, July 5

100 Club Standing Order Mandates

Hi everyone, this is a message from Duncan.

Please can all players who have not yet done so complete their new 100 club standing order mandates and return them to Duncan (1sts) or Micky J (2nds) this weekend. Ideally with extras for a "friend" too! Your club is relying on the support.

Also a reminder that there's a club outing to the Man Yuen after Saturday's fixtures, hopefully a lot can make it!

Wednesday, July 4

Election Time!

You watched as his elder brother, Alan, ran the country in the 90s. Now it's his turn, and he's cheesier than you could ever imagine ...


1st Team Selection

Rochdale Catholic Club - Home - Meet 1pm at ground

Ash, Doc, CDO, Scunners, Nelly, Russ, Pete,
Duncan, Asif, Dasher, Clive.

12th Man Craig Parky

Tuesday, July 3

Lepers? Olive?

Just for the CDO, here's a link to the lyrics for Toto's seminal hit "Africa"

I don't think anyone's scratched any of the letters out there ... (all will be revealed)

In a remote location ...

Graham Fletcher is constructing us a new means of transportation to the weekend's games ... it's suggested that in the conditions, we turn up in pairs!

TSJ ark

Monday, July 2


then maybe St John (or his representative) should be on the selection comittee. perhaps he could persuade Asif to play in the first team??? good idea eh??

Sunday, July 1

It looks like ...

Census and genealogy records suggest that the church name is the church of St John, Tottington, thus if the club belongs to the church then we are - Tottington St John's with an apostrophe before the s!

Saturday, June 30


Bored on Saturday afternoon waitning for the rain to stop, I took it upon myself to search out printed versions of the club name on and in various places. Now, is it:

Tottington St Johns Cricket Club
Tottington St John's Cricket Club ?????

As you may know, the use of the apostrophe intrigues me. Mrs Hunter will be on the case, but feel free to join in the debate.

Thursday, June 28

Corrected 1st team

Ash, Doc, CDO, Clive, Craig, Scunners, Dasher,
Duncan, Hud, Nelly & Chadders

Meet 12.45 Robin Hood

12th Man ?????????????????????????

Big win needed.

Wednesday, June 27


well wouldn't you know it, the ground last night was rock hard! No nets, but a lively selection meeting nonetheless and plenty of leaflet distribution from Kieran and Scott.

1st XI vs Fothergills, away, meet Robin Hood 12.45pm

Ash, Doc, CDO, Cliff, Scunners, Boris, Nelly, Dasher, Craig, Jebby Jnr and Chadders
12th man: The Hud

Tuesday, June 26

Nets tonight ... car booting!


It's highly likely that tonight's nets will not be possible due to the condition of the ground. HOWEVER this is an ideal opportunity for 5 or 6 of us to get out and distribute flyers for the weekend's car boot. So if you can help, please get down to the ground tonight and we'll leaflet the area.


Monday, June 25

It's a strange place ...

The Isle of Wight does funny things to some folk ...

Matt and friend

Thursday, June 21

Meet Time

Sat - Meet Robin 12.45

Sun - Meet ground 1pm

1st Team Selection

Sat - Ash, Doc, CDO, Russ, Clive, Scunners,
Dasher, Duncan, Phil Yates, Dickie P, Nicky Hud

Sun - Ash, Doc, Nelly, CDO, Russ, Clive, Scunners,
Craig, Pete, Dasher, Duncan

12th Man Asif

No cry offs please

Wednesday, June 20

One for the boy Flash ...


Car boot flyer available online

Guys, anyone wanting to download and print and distribute car boot flyers can now do so using the links above or to the right. Happy hunting! The more people we get down to the ground, the better the club does, and the better our chances of making more money when we do the next one in September! Get some flyers to your friends, family, neighbours, their neighbours, down your street ... thanks to Kieran for producing these!

Car Booting

KC, could you post on here or send me a copy of the flier for the upcoming car boot sale.

I'll print a load off at work and myself and phils self will pepper the brandlesholme area this weekend with a few hundred


New date for Chinese meal!

Hi folks,

The club night out at the Man Yuen in Totty has been cancelled for this Saturday and rearranged for Sat July 7th - it was felt at committee last night that it was too short notice to do this weekend, and also with Sunday's game it might not be a good idea to try and take on WLM while still weighed down with excess dim sum ;-) So please make a note of the new date - all invited - all players, families etc!

Tuesday, June 19

Car boot sale and 20/20

CAR BOOT SALE - SUNDAY 1ST JULY - Cars £8 Vans £12 - we need ALL TSJers to either / both have a car AND help out in organisation / car parking attendants / breakfast chefs / etc - all hands to the deck!!!! Also - tell all your friends / family = chance to clear that garage of rubbish!

20/20 - TSJCC are at Elton (not Vale) CC with Prestwich Sunday 22nd July. So two big clubs to beat! Squad required.

Sunday, June 17


Hi Phil,

Yes we played and got 5 points. Springhead 120 all out, TSJ 122-4

WLM lost (0 points) so top of table reads WLM 34, Totts 33, RCC 32

Next weekend sees WLM v RCC on Sat and Totts v WLM on Sun!!!

Saturdays Result

Was there a game on saturday, if so can somebody post the result.

Wednesday, June 13

Saturday team

TSJ 1st XI v Springhead, Saturday, meet ground 1pm

Ash "control your kids" Parky (c)
Gargoyle Clifford (w/k)
Russ, the world's tallest (and most injury prone) spinner
Kieran the Pseudo-Yorkhireman
"Beetroot" Doc P
"YouTube" Scunners
Dasher, simply an Icon
Nelly "I love big" Butt
Craig "It's gonna be a bit" Parky
Professor Boris Karloff and his rubber legs
Nicholas St John Aloysius Garvey Hudson Esq.

12th man: Dickie "Dickie" P (9.50 change from a tenner)

It's going to pee down, so we might as well have some fun now!

Tuesday, June 12

weight of expectation

42 million people ...

Isle of Wight - they're all mad

Second team superstars Matt "Babyface" Hunt and Phil "Phil" McManus were at the Isle of Wight festival this past weekend ... and they unearthed the world's most stupid hat ...

Saturday, June 9


Sorry for lack of updates on 2nd team website i havent been able to access my account recently. I will be updating with all score cards today and tomorrow

thanks for posting team rowdy


Friday, June 8





Wednesday, June 6


Im sure you will all agree that my grasp of grammar and punctuation at 16.46 is very poor. Its not a great deal better at any other time though

mfnas = my easiest word verification ever! And it still didn't work!

Risky business

I know its dangerous to mock the 1st team captain but i've got 20 mins at work to kill!

Roman numerals and the usual 10 digits which we are all used to used in conjuction could throw up a whole new number system. I think i'll catch on pretty quick as will Russell, but for Rowdy who's been sat on his ass at home for yonks is going to get really confused by this new counting system named Flash!

1st X1 Team Selection

Robinsons away meet Robin Hood 12.45

Doc P
Pete Allen
Nelly B

12th Man Nick Hudson

Tuesday, June 5


a bit late i know but could someone (Paul as you're probably one of the few who reads this and attends nets) let selection know that i'm only available for Sat and NOT Sun as i thought.
will try to call down on my way to athletics 2nite.


Wednesday, May 30

Community service at crompton meadows


Phil - welcome - and you'll ALWAYS have a lift with me.

Finally here

Just a note for Danny i'll run myself to the game on saturday.

so what have we learned about team selection?

1. it helps to turn up at nets
2. it helps if your surname begins with 'A'
3. it's actually quite good opening the batting
4. some physical disability helps keep you in mind
5. if you're not particularly good at cricket, it helps if you hold some degree of comedy value to the team or you can score legibly (although counting up the runs correctly too is an advantage and saves embarassment so that the team know when to give up the chase for the win and settle for a batting point)

hope i didn't offend anyone there

real team order ...

Actually I need to come clean. The team order was actually written to echo the sentiments of young Dan on hearing the selection.

If you take the first letter of the surname in the order selected, you can create the phrase:

Harumph ...

right ...

what do you mean where's rowdy? he's sandwiched between Phil Mc and Asif, like a little ginger sandwich filling.

The team order is OBVIOUS. Here's my thought process.

"Ok right seconds then, start with the skipper, opening batsman, right who was at nets tonight? Right, Dan, Jebby and Phil .. ooh better not forget Rowdy, Asif, yeah he's playing for the 2s as he can't leave work early ... Dickie P - needs some runs, good opportunity for him here, ok that's 8, who's missing? Hmmm. Hunty is normally at nets, that's why I forgot him, put him in there ... Dr Doom of course, another seamer (4! the first team only have 2!), and that leaves us with ... er, hang on, they normally have some floppy haired fella, that's it ... Smiffffffffffffy."

Is that clear enough?


just spotted rowdy in there - phew!!! thought we were scuppered for a minute - against the league leaders too!

BLOODY HELL!!! whenever i do the word verification, why does it always error? i ALWAYS enter the letters as shown in the image!!!!

weekend teams

thanks for posting this paul - i managed to find it this week.
however, i must point out (in the hope of not offending you in front of literally millions of www viewers) that whenever danny posts on the 2nds website, that there is some sort of 'order' to the team. so, with that in mind, is the team this week in:
a) alphabetical order (appears not)
b) batting order Hmmm, danny and jebby at 3 and 4?)
c) with the last suggestion in mind - bat throwing order?
or possibly d) just random order as you weren't to know we usually have some sort of team order?

AND! where's rowdy??

yours in lower case
mr a

Weekend selection

Both teams are playing on Saturday this week.

1st XI v Failsworth AWAY, meet Robin Hood 12.45pm

Ash, Paul, Clive, Russ, Nelly, Kieran, Dasher, Pete, Craig, Nicholas Garvey Hudson, Chadders

2nd XI v Failsworth HOME, meet ground 1pm

Mike J, Mike A, Danny, Jebby, Phil Mc, Rowdy, Asif, Dickie P, Matt, Graham F, Smiffy

Monday, May 28


Caption 1: "Sharon, I thought you said we were going to the bolt hole?"

Caption 2: "I'll have 7 beers and a bat, please. Make sure there's a good head on the bat."

caption competition

best ones to appear in the next newsletter
PS: won't be at nets Tues - athletics comittment


what about Rowdy's authentic 80's costume??

meanwhile the 'team photo' came out alright after some tinkering.

will post more shortly

Top Night!!

Kieran & Denise

A huge thank you from the Parkies for a great night.

The one highlight missed by Doc was surfing on the twister sheet across the dance floor!! Priceless.

Thanks again.

Thanks, CDO!


Thanks for a fantastic bash last night - it all seemed to rush by so fast. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Some personal highlights - Nick Hud's delight at finally buying me an alcoholic drink after 20 years of trying, Big Bird and family as downright scary punks, BA Baracas(?!), Kaye "Sam Fox" Peacock's fake boobs, the chocolate cake, and Helen Parkinson's scarily authentic "rave" dancing.

Looking forward to the pics, Mr Ainscoe!

Saturday, May 26

Evolution of Dance

Ahead of Kieran's party tomorrow, here's one of the most famous videos on the Net. Richard Peacock - this is your life!

Friday, May 25

2nds team


Danny posted the 2s team on the 2s page, as usual. You're selected for an away game at Chew Brook Moor / Chew Moor Brook / Brooks Boys Chew More, meet Robin 12.30!


did look - must have missed it


seconds got a game this weekend or can i go shopping for my 80's wig for kieran's do???

Thursday, May 24

weekend selection

Hi folks,

Here's the 1st XI selection for the weekend's two games.

v Ashton Ladysmith at HOME, Saturday, meet 1pm

Paul (c), Kieran, Russ, Clive, Scunners, Nelly, Nicholas Garvey Hudson, Pete, Boris, Dasher and Dickie P

v Rochdale Catholic Club at HOME, Sunday, meet 1pm, mass exodus at 4 after the bowl out ;-)

Paul (c), Duncan, Asif, Dasher, Pete, Nelly, Scunners, Chadders, Mike J, Jamie, Rowdy
12th man: Phil McManus

Cry offs to me or Clive, please!

Inspiration ...

If you think Boris and Kieran have taken great one handed catches, watch these two beauties - poor Matthew Hayden!!

Monday, May 21


Just to say a big thank you to those that sponsored me for the half marathon!

Managed to make the £100 target with some sponsorship still to collect!!

As for the race, finished it in a time of 1hr 46mins!

If you'd still like to sponsor me my donations page will be open for another month or so

Thanks again!!

Tuesday, May 15

looks familiar

thank you kieran - i will respond to this with a personal email. however, as a 'site administrator' with 'adminitsrative rights' or something, don't be surpised if this photo disappears.

Mike covers up bad hair day (lemon highlights)

Up the merry monk!


we're all very quiet ... has the prospect of a weekend "raping and pillaging" in York got everyone scurrying for the hills?

Monday, May 14

Weekend heart failure


The 2s were rained off I believe, but the 1sts are probably all still recovering from collecitve heart failure after Saturday's game with Elton Vale.

We lost the toss (not a bad thing) and Elton Vale batted on a firm but slightly wet pitch. Some great team bowling and fielding saw them shot out for 83 - honours shared (me 3-29, Ash and Scunners both about 1-20 - Scunners bowled particularly well - and then Russ (1-2) and Nelly 3-2 !!! finished them off).

The heavens then opened and we went out to bat on a pitch that wasn't too badly affected, thanks to Dickie P's enormous new black bin-liner, I mean cover. We lost the CDo first ball to his first EVER golden duck, and then some injudicious shots and bad luck saw us completely fold to 22-7. I think I was highest scorer at that point ... with 5!!

Thankfully some tremendously gutsy play from Clive, Duncan, Craig and Pete got us home on 84-9 - the last pair put on 15 in the gathering dark!

With other results very much going our way (Westleigh taking 4 points off Robbies, Fothergills losing, 2 other games abandoned) it was a great result!

Special mention should be made of the latest member of the "showboating 1 hand catch club" - Duncan Phillips - who took an absolute blinding left handed catch on the run at mid-on. Even the Elton Vale team stood and applauded!


any updates of any sort from the weekend? could someone please post.

Saturday, May 12

Half Marathon Sponsorship

If you didnt know, next Sunday i'm going to be running the Sheffield Half Marathon.

So far this year i've completed the Wakefield Hospice 10k road race, and the Sheffield Childrens Hospice 10k run and I am confident of a finish next Sunday at around the 2 hour mark.

I'm going to be running the Half Marathon next Sunday for one of my best mates from Uni, who, at just 23 years old found out earlier this year that he has cancer for the 2nd time in his life. At his request all sponsorship raised will be going direct to Cancer Research UK.

I've set up a 'Just Giving' donations web page. Please take a minute to visit the site and donate as much or as little as you choose, it all helps.

I've set my target at 100quid but really looking to better that by some distance with peoples help.

Many thanks,


Friday, May 11

Rain Rain Rain

Who built the Ark?
Who built the Ark?
Brother Noah built the Ark.

Now here come the animals two by two:
The Elephant and the Kangaroo

Who built the Ark?
Who built the Ark?
Brother Noah built the Ark.

Here come the animals three by three:
The Penguin and the Chimpanzee


Tuesday, May 8

weekend selection

1st team v Elton Vale at Crompton Meadows. Meet ground 1pm.

Ash (c), Paul, Kieran, Russ, Clive, Nelly, Scunners, Dasher, Craig, Pete, Duncan
12th man: Dickie P

elpm weekend

Must admit that my personal highlight was when Rowdy (who else?) went to fag the ball from over by the end house of the #1 fan, and the great big alsation leapt up at the fence and frightened him to death.
Oh, and Matt Hunt's catch...and allthe dropped catches...and that echo around the ground 'come on millers' (bet it's still going round)...and Danny dragging on a wide ball...and Mick J going out to keep wicket WITHOUT HIS PADS...


I wont be able to make it to training tonight, just to let you know i am available this weekend

and yes Paul....23!!!

Weekend entertainment

This is turning into a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining season, really having fun.

Some more weekend highlights

- Big Bird's quality sledging of Andy Berry

- the farting competition between Kieran, Russ and Nelly in the dressing room. Terrible

- Danny Mozzer having an even more ridiculous bowling warm up than Nelly

- Ashley's hugely motivational "we don't give a f*** if we win this" pre-bowl out rallying speech

- Kieran's flicks over square leg

- Ash constantly asking Ben where Dan was. Or Dan where Ben was. Or anyone else where his kids were ...

- Dasher's wonderful "senior moment" when we were all admiring a certain female carrying her tea across the ground and he said "look at that ... I could really fancy a pie and chips"

- Me asking ELPM's opener how he was feeling when he walked out to bat and him replying "I'll tell you in a minute"

- Kieran's catch

- Ashley's catch (arf)

- Dr Doom's "you can pinch more than an inch there, son" comment

- Leaving Russell stranded at the pub

- Asking Robbo if I was in his fantasy team when I took my 5th wicket, haha.

- Nelly getting 2 fielding points despite having a "Channel tunnel" moment

- Young Jebby's performance generally. Class. Not to mention Danny and Matt.

- Discovering that babyfaced Matt H is 23. 23!!!! No, really!

- Kieran sledging the loud ELPM 2s fielder

- Senior Jebby talking to me and saying "no-one's hit the stumps today" just as Nelly bowled the last man on Sunday

- the whole bowl out. Absolutely hysterical.


Whats the weather like over the old Crompton Meadows?
Does anybody know if there is chance of a net? - providing we don't get further downpours between now and 20.30

How hard can it be?

During the bowl off on Sunday - Dasher turned to me and said, "This is tailor-made for Dicky P this!"
We will never know..............
Still, what an extraordinary season this is turning out to be - who would have predicted in the first few weeks:
A tie?
A bowl-off?
An Ashley dropped catch?
Derek F. (Robinsons) scoring nearly 400 runs already?

What next - a fielding point for me? (no that's stretching it too far......)

Serious note - a big thanks to the second teamers who helped on Sunday - all of whom contributed.

Monday, May 7


Well well, what an entertaining weekend of cricket!!

Where to start?

On saturday a great game in the 2nds. Set over 200 and we were so close to chasing it down. A very entertaining game right from the start, shunts and mick's spat with their lad who walked without even knowing it, Rowdy doing an excellent fielding job for them blocking a certain four while square leg umpiring, the umpire occasionally getting hit on the back of head with the ball and shunts looking ever so dejected as he raised his finger to end the valiant run-chase at the death!

Great to have the first team there to cheer us on too, all in all, disappointing to lose but a great game to be a part of!

So, on to Sunday where all the fun of the fair continued, KC's great one handed effort on the boundary that was made to look very easy only to find he was pipped to the fielding point by Nelly (oh how he laughed), Nelly's textbook warm-up workout in the changing room before the bowlout and the square leg umpire claiming Paul's delivery hadnt pitched...hmmm!!

As a player from the 2nds on Saturday was a nice bit of sweet revenge to ELPM after just missing out the previous day!

All in all a very entertaining weekend of cricket!! Long may it continue throughout the summer!!

Thursday, May 3

Flog thyself!

Cilice? Blimey, we've moved from the wacky world of 1970s British wrestling to the altogether more sinister world of the da Vinci Code! Nice. Can't see you as an albino monk, Mr A, but then again, I never thought I'd see that leopardskin jockstrap thing of Mr J!

What I'm particularly looking forward to on a weekend which promises temperatures in the mid 20s is two days stuck in ELPM's changing room with Big Bird and his unending tube of deep heat ...

Oh yes, and the strangest word I've had to type was "stickers". Not weird, but for a random letter generator, that was quite unusual. It says "dfbyauwg" at the moment, which if I'm not mistaken is a Welsh mining village close to Llanberis.


Les Kellet was a really old 'guy' - not 'gut' (although he probably did have a gut too). Off now to tighten my cilise (sp??)and get my hairshirt out the wash.

in reply

That, of course, is the Welsh spelling (pronounced 'champyon') and Les kellet will be played by Grah Fletcher.


You made the bed - now lie in it.............

"rip 'is ear off"

Just remembered LES KELLET!!!! - a really (really) old gut with thin strands of hair and hardly any teeth. Probably the gurning chapmion of North Yorkshire. Now, which TSJer could take on this role???

more grappling

all this talk of grappling has led me to have a very strange dream involving the TSJ wrestling elite of Mike Jones (tight pants), Graham Jebb Snr (and Graham Jebb Jnr), tag team champions the Battling Brooks Boys, Dickie P (slightly gay) and the masked Rowdy "Ginger Prince" Yates, whose legendary interviews are filled with identical stories week in week out. All being coached from the sidelines by Mike "The Ace" Ainscoe, with commentary from the straight talking Scoop Doggy and "Whispering" Kieran, the Yorkshire Rapper.

Wednesday, May 2

McManus update

If anyone else remembers Mick McManus (burly wrestler) - he was the one who always won and wore very tight black 'trunks'/briefs. I seem to remember him sporting a a VERY (dyed) black hair colour too! This was also in the days of such great wrestling names as Jackie Pallo (and Jackie Pallo jnr), Adrian Street (faintly gay) and the masked Kendo Nagasaki!!!! Ah, it all takes me back to 4pm on a Saturday afternoon on ITV's World of Sport with Dickie Davies and commentator Kent Walton broadcasting live from Derby Assembly Rooms.

PS: Idea for bloggers survey - What's the strangest word verification you've had to type???


seriously (honestly!) I did a cricket coaching course back in the early 80's while at Uni, receiving certification from the National Cricket Council (I think). The guy leading the course had the memorable name of Bill Clutterbuck!!! (no wonder I remember after 20 odd years) Don't know if the NCC still exists (or ever did exist - possibly a figment of Bill's imagination) as the certificate is at my mums! Also did my masters degree with research in sport psychology - so if anyone wants any tips, or their dreams interpreting....



You are also not omniscient - I was giving bowling advice to several players throughout the evening (particularly Stu's lad, as he'll confirm), and both Nelly and I were talking to batsmen. I did speak to several batsmen as well, maybe I just did it quietly and without the need for any obvious fuss ... we also have been helping Jebby's lad, to the extent that he now finds himself in the 1sts for Sunday, and will hopefully get to turn his arm over there.

Nets can be enormously frustrating - I can't say I found it particularly helpful to be retriving 60% of deliveries from the side netting either, but it does require a commitment that not everyone can always provide, particularly those with later working hours, other commitments, families etc.

Physician heal thyself!

Danny - I like the content of your blogs (the tone leaves a little to be desired - a little less challenging and a bit more constructive, please). I think the idea of coaching is a good one - Clive has information about courses you can attend to gain coaching status (at various levels) - I will ask him to forward these to you. I am experienced in playing cricket - but have no qualifications to pass on any techniques or good practice to any less experienced player (just like I drive 30,000 miles a year, but would be an awful driving instuctor!).
I have attempted to help a couple of young players in the indoor nets - regarding run-up and delivery - but they would be quite within their rights to turn round and ask what the F##K do I know about it?
We do have qualified coaches among our membership and I will bring it up at the next committee meeting (you have said you will not be present?).
You must also take into account that last night was our first real outdoor net and numbers are - at best - a lottery; so booking coaching must come with committment from the players also.


I'm not trying to single phils brother out but someone should be helping us youngsters with both batting and bowling. I found it quite embarrasing that everyone seemed happy enough to just keep knocking his stumps over going getting the ball and knocking stumps over again rather than going to him and pointing out what he was doing wrong. surely those with more experience should go over and coach him at this point??? This is probably one of the factors why we struggle with alot of young players. They can go to clubs where they will get coached. At totty last night i saw no coaching.

This needs to be addressed at the meeting and i will be there at the next one


McManus Clan

Don't forget Mick McManus, the burly wrestler!

Doc Trivia


wasn't Mark McManus the actor who played dour Scots detective Jim Taggart??
Mike (Prince of Trivia) Ainscoe (batter)



What you have to remember is that not everyone can get there at 6.30, and you invariably bat first. If you'd batted later on you'd have had me, Russ and Nelly bowling - and could probably have persuaded Ash too. You may also have had Kieran if he wasn't busy cutting the *2nd team* wicket for the weekend. You also need to remember that people work - at least 4 of last week's firsts were working, one's away and one is injured, and we knew that 2-3 of the 2nds couldn't make it. Of the people who bowled for the club last Saturday, me, Ashley, Nelly, you, Matt H were there, plus we had Russell most of the night too. Without doubt there are people who could use a net but circumstances don't always permit it.

We note your "comments" about players on the 2nd team selection again. It's most unfair to single people out, whatever your own views. There's a time and a place for moans - we have a committee meeting next week for a start.


First thing! Can we have some bowlers down at Nets on Tuesdays please??? 2 reasons, Us young bowlers need someone there to coach us and help us improve, 2nd reason its no good to bat when all your getting is beamers and bouncers and naff all on the stumps.

Second thing! Groundwork before and after games, Some people arent pulling their weight before and after games its the same people week in week out getting the rope, marking the pitch etc, Bring in something that say 5 people help before the game 5 after and one doing teas! It really isnt that hard! the same people are turning up after everything is done and going before any work after the game is done.

Third thing! Mark (Phil McManus brother) at nets tonight was batting awfully! Why the hell did no one think they would go over and try and coach him??? It ended up with me!! yes me!!! (Probably one of the worst batters in the league!!!) trying to teach him to defend the ball! Someone better should be helping him rather than just running up and knocking his stumps over everyball!

NETS are about team practice! Both 1st Team and 2nd team! there should be more than 8 or 9 people turning up! NO ONE at the club is too good to come to nets.

I for one want to improve my batting, how can i do this if i havent got one single half decent bowler bowling at me???


Tuesday, May 1

!st XI weekend selection

1st XI selection for the two games at ELPM this weekend. Both games start at 2pm, so either meet at the Royal Hotel 1pm or at ELPM at 1.30pm.

Ash (c), Paul, Clive (w/k), Scunners, Nelly, Russ, Kieran, Craig, Dasher, Asif, Pete
12th man: Nick Fletcher

Ash (c), Paul, Pete (w/k), Scunners, Nelly, Russ, Kieran, Craig, Dasher, Asif, Dickie P
12th man: Graham Jebb Jnr

Monday, April 30


I fear this will be open to bribery - Rowdy will do (say) anything for a beer bribe!
the person with the MOST stories covered on their card gets £50


This game could work in two ways.
We all pool our resources (ranking system) to come up with the top 50 stories we think Rowdy may tell in a season. Then make 50 cards each with ten stories on them. first one to collect all the stories on their card wins. Each card is purchased for ten pounds, making this a sure fire money spinner for the club. If "house" is achieved, the winner gets £250, if not then the person with the stories covered on their card wins £50

Or we could just collect the stories - again from the top fifty list - and the person with the most repeated stories wins.

I'm in ten pounds for the first option!


Smifffffy - good idea as far as it goes - I would suggest, however, that a handicap system is brought in - obviously some of the stories (favourites) have and will be told more than others and people claiming such should be handicapped - could work like: "Rowdy Hill 10 points" (he NEVER mentions it) as opposed to "Rowdy outscoring me at BA Systems 1 point" (he ALWAYS mentions it) - thus a ranking system (careful!) could be established? Or is it a case of drawing out of a hat like a world cup draw?

Rowdy Bingo

Can we add a few others?

1. Glen Greenidge getting shot during a game

2. Glen or Jack Seegobin stopping the train at Metal Box and jumping off with his kit in tow

3. Norman Barnes falling over the boundary board and down the hill at Crompton Meadows

4. The infamous Kinsey boys barracking of NMCL legend Stapleton at Robinsons

5. "Black pumps! This boy's wearing black pumps" - another Kinsey classic

6. Plus if he gets onto talking about the Shakers, the infamous Wayne Entwistle "get off Enty, you're crap" ... Enty scores wonder goal ... "ENTYYYYYYY" story

I have some wonderful memories of playing with Phil - he was a great opening partner in his heyday and in the mid 90s we had some great days. One which wasn't so great was against Fothergills at home. Phil hit a ball to deep square leg and I called him through for a very easy single. About 2.3 of the way down the pitch I looked up aghast to see he wasn't running and I was run out. Stormed off and having thrown things about the changing room I emerged and announced quite loudly something quite similar to "clucking banker". Looked round in horror to notice my Mum, Kathleen and several old-timers sat there! Rowdy to his credit then batted for about 30 overs, by which time it was all quite amusing ...

The other story which the Brooks boys in particular will appreciate was one game where we were playing High View and they had this absolute brute of a lad playing who looked like a cross between Mike Tyson and some nutter from a maximum security prison. He was out and seemed reluctant to go so Phil told him where to go in no uncertain terms from the boundary edge! Imagine our horror a few minutes later when the guy emerged from the dressing room and went hammering round the boundary to where Phil was fielding. Frankie Brock had to move him sharpish amidst a combination of mounting horror and complete hysterics from the rest of us ...

On a more positive note, we had one memorable day at Springhead where we put on about 120 for the first wicket in no time and I couldn't keep up - he absolutely murdered them. Classic stuff.

Marvellous! Come on Phil, you've got a login, get posting!

New Game

I would like to suggest the introduction of Rowdy Bingo into the club. This idea is courtesy of Mrs Hunter and i think its great.

How to play.

Whilst waiting to bat or during tea note down any story, anicdote or slighty stretched tale that relates to tottington st johns past which Rowdy tells.

Continue this for all matches, home and away.

At the end of the season, whoever has the most repeats of the same story wins.

Rowdy will buy the winner a pint at the end of the season.

This game is genius. Hopefully it will keep Rowdy quiet, but if not, then it will at least give those around him some joy and reason to listen to him.

Obviously the 2nd team have more chance of winning this game, although tactical selection may come in to play towards the end of the season.

The 1st classic, to get everyone started is the tale of Barry kinsey appealing for LBW from under the tree near the houses. Nobody else went up but the batsmen was triggered anyway. I estimate that this tale will be tol a further three times this season.

Good luck everybody

Friday, April 27


Oh aye! I've been and searched google images for all sorts of muppet and Winston Churchill images!! Expect a bumper edition with free Danny M supplement - perhaps even a message from the man himself if we can possibly coax a quote from him.

Blogger accounts

Hi all,

I know the blogger transition to google has caused a few people to not be able to log in any more. If you need a new account setting up and no one else can help (da da da daaaaaaaaaa, da da daaaa), let me know and I'll do it for you. Ta!

Breaking News

We've just done a survey of 100 people and asked them what they think of young Dan's apology to Saddleworth. Here are the results ...

Meanwhile, I see Dan's team listing for the weekend game is opening up a whole new can of worms (???) ;-)

life in the 2nds

been following this with interest seeing as it's been my only contact so far this season!! paul - would love to get it in the newsletter - but a) having problems logging onto the life in the 2's bit and b) your agm and other contributions have taken up so much space!!
looking forward to seeing some of you again on sat - i'll be the one with the highlights.

Thursday, April 26


I am writing this to any one who took offence to my gesture to spectators at Saddleworth, My 2 fingured gesture was wrong and completely out of order, i am sorry for any offence anyone took to it.
When i'm bowling i get myself into an aggresive mood and try to channel this into my bowling, when i heard someone call me a muppet i took the childish response.
I am sorry for this.I know my actions where out of order and i am sorry for thisDan Moriarty

Tuesday, April 24

Weekend Selection

Mike's just finalising the 2nd XI selection.

The first XI to play Rochdale Catholic Club (away, 1.30pm start) is:

Ashley, Paul, Kieran, Scunners, Nelly Butt, Clive, Dasher, Craig Parky, Duncan, Asif, Dickie P
12th Man: Matt Hunt


not sure if you guys are doing selection tonight or thurs, as i'm only over thurs for training just to let you know i am available this weekend


for posting the stats everyone - the next newsletter starts here!! could possibly do with one of the guys who played pre-season against Westleigh (ie Paul) to post or let me have some details of that game too for the record (and any noteworthy incidents - did Clive fall over anything and did Skunners keep his bowels in check etc).
As I'm taking on the role of the elusive pimpernel so far this season can I declare my availability for selection this weekend. Struggling a bit with a 'grion area' injury at the moment which is restricting some of my movement so I could keep Rowdy company at double third man in the field. I should be down at the the ground on Tuesday evening but it looks unlikely we'll get any prac, so see some of you then.

2nds website


Details are on the 2nd XI site now.


2nd Team - Usual start

Away at saddleworth - what a nice ground. If you can find it.

Due to our captain wicket keeper and opening bowler being delayed, we were lucky to lose the toss and be asked to bat.

Tottington -all out for 101 A Smith 38, A singh 11 no.

Saddleworth 103-6 Asif Iqbal 3wickets D Morriarty 2 and A Singh 1 for 8 of about 9 balls.

Nice ground, decent tea! Lets hope both teams progress to the second round of the cup so we get to go there again.

Monday, April 23

Weekend scores

Hi Mike,

Someone will have to do the 2s.

1sts TIED with Fothergills 192 a/o each!

Fothergill & Harvey 192 (Ash 5-50, Paul 4-73, Russ 1-30ish, Ash 2 catches including a blinder at gully, Clive, Kieran, Nick F 1 each). We had them 104-6 and 158-9, should have finished them off.

Totts 192 (Ash 48, Kieran 44, Paul 31) - we were 75-0, 155-4 and 185-6 or thereabouts at various points!

1st weekend

can some kind soul blog any scores from the weekend please?

Billy Hughes RIP

It is with enormous sadness that I report the untimely and shocking death of Billy Hughes, the much loved Robinsons (and former Catholic Club) player; Bill collapsed and died during the match this weekend.

Billy was a friend to many of us, I have known him since I first started at TSJ and always found him to be a worthy opponent, a lovely gentleman and one of the friendliest and most liked opponents - and teammates - in this league. He will be sorely missed by many of us. I'll post details of any funeral arrangements when I have them - the news was posted by Emmy on the NMCL Forum earlier.

Truly awful news.

Saturday, April 21


I meant 'strop' NOT 'stop' (sorry Nick)

megastrop cntd

Danny - let's hope it's not your own stumps you're splattering around the ground when you have a stop after getting a duck on Sunday!!! We must have a radical behaviour therapy session on Tuesday night to re-channel your current anger management strategy into more positive areas.

Yours (in absence)
Dr Ainscoe

oh, and by the way Paul - are you keeping these snippets for the newsletter??

Friday, April 20

The "megastrop"

This became because i didnt feel i was batting to my potential and kept getting cramp. I was extremely tired last night after a busy day. Looking forward to sunday of which i will be rested up and ready to knock over a few stumps and hit a few runs!

That's the spirit ...

Quite right too Danny. With the strength in depth we look to have this year, BOTH sides should be aiming to make progress. Nets have gone well, we look to have plenty of emerging young talent which should see the club strengthen year on year. Not to mention our possible new secret weapon!

Nets last night were enlivened by young Danny's megastrop (tremendous bat hurling), the amazing number of balls lost in the net rigging, and Duncan turning up in full whites in the manner of a great white hunter who's just led a party of intrepid explorers down the Zambezi ...

Thursday, April 19

2nd XI - PREVIEW 2007

Well its nearly time till the new season kicks off, We have quite a few new players hitting the club this season all will be pushing for a place in the team, but where there's new players we were hit by the loss of Matt Cotton who joined Brooksbottoms during pre season.

I am targeting 30 wickets or more this season as i now have no restrictions on overs that i can bowl and i also aim to establish myself as number 8/9 batter. This season alot of people need to make improvements, Matt Hunt has a training course with Yorkshire CCC behind him and we hopefully can look forward to seeing matt get some runs behind him and hopefully a few wickets, Phil McManus looks more comfortable in nets hopefully he can take that to the crease with him, Nick Fletcher needs to become a little less expensive with the ball and get more runs this season and i dont think i need to mention Rowdy! he has to forget about the last 2 seasons, this season is a new season and he has to get his confidence up and stop losing his head. Andy Smiths bowling has improved and hopefully will keep improving. Fielding wise we need to be more tight! Take our catches and get our bodys behind the ball no matter what. Last season catching was a big factor in where we finnished in the table, i am one of them that needs to improve on that count as well! I'd say only 2 people who played consistantly well in the field last season would be Phil McManus and Matt Hunt who both fielded well on a regular basis. Obviously alot this season will depend on player availabillity and who ends up in the first team at certain points but hopefully things will be alot better this season. we are a stronger team this season than we was last season even with out Matt Cotton!


Wednesday, April 18


Abhay Singh is ok for Sunday's trip to Saddleworth, if required.

Sadly I 'm not. I am available for Saturday as 12th man , if required.

Dr.Doom is available but only if you are desperate.......boy have you gotta be!!!

All the best for the weekend fella's.

Tuesday, April 17

1st XI v Fothergills

1st XI for this Saturday's HOME fixture with Fothergill & Harvey. Match starts at 1.30pm, so please be at the ground for 12.30.

Ashley (c), Paul, Kieran, Scunners, Russell, Clive, Nelly Butt, Dasher, Dickie P, Duncan, Pete Allen

12th man - to be confirmed at nets on Thursday. The 2nd XI will also be selected on Thursday once we have confirmed availabilities.


unfortunately its looking like i'm going to be stuck in work until stupid o'clock tonight so i'm going to be in sunny Sheffield this evening (all be it in the office) and wont be able to attend nets, i am available to play this weekend however and should be there at nets this thurs!

Nets - update!

Hi folks,

For those attending nets tonight at the ground ... if you are among the first there, please DO NOT set up the nets around the wicket we used for Saturday's game. Cliff or CDO will be there to cut a new practice wicket, so please hang on for that! Ta!

Monday, April 16

*Tuesday* nets


well done on a hard fought victory on Saturday - think we all needed to get the rust out of our systems! Thanks to West Leigh too for making the effort, playing the game in a great spirit and giving us a close fought contest (well done to the two Kieran's on their batting!). Also nice to see more than a few folks down watching!

As the weather's cracking, a few of us are coming down to the ground on TUESDAY for an outdoor practice - we can do fielding and if there are enough of us, some batting etc too. Take advantage and join us! Both teams have games this coming weekend (1sts on Saturday, 2nds Sunday) - selections will primarily be based on attendance and performance at nets / Saturday's friendly- come down and stake a claim!!

Friday, April 13

Saturday selection

Pete A.
Andy Smith

12th Man - Phil McManus

Wednesday, April 11

Full details for Saturday

OK here are the details for Saturday.

The game will start at approx 2pm, so we would like players to meet at 1pm at the ground. There is lots of work to be done on the outfield, wicket, pavilion etc, so we'd also like as many folks as possible to pop down in the morning. If you can't get down in the morning, please make sure you're at the ground for 1 o'clock to help out.

The game will be a "30 challenge". 30 overs per side, with a minimum of 6 bowlers to bowl a maximum of 5 overs each. Batsmen will retire at 30 (but can come back in if we lose all wickets). This seems to be a fair way to give all batsmen/bowlers a fair go.

Tea and an umpire (hopefully two) have been laid on, and we are therefore setting a match fee of £5 to cover costs. Drinks will be available to buy as usual from the fridge.

If anyone is no longer available, please let me or Ash know ASAP.

Tuesday, April 10

Saturday's game

Hi folks,

There's a committee meeting tonight so full details of the arrangements for Saturday (times, cost, what to bring, etc) will be up tomorrow! Weather forecast looks fantastic - 18 degs and sunny!

Tuesday, April 3

Info Info Info!!!

We now have 12 players who have expressed an interest in the preseason friendly with West Leigh on Saturday April 14th - please tell us soon if you are interested and haven't already let us know - Smithy, I've passed on your availability to Ash (seconded by the ghost of Abbers etc).

OK, the game will commence around 2pm and the format will be decided on the day - 20/20 is probably not long enough to give everyone a bat/bowl but we may also be at the mercy of the weather. Neville has kindly offered* to umpire.

* either that or Clive has bullied him!

Wednesday, March 28

er, Danny ...

"Totty will be hosting West leigh" pretty much says it! We haven't sorted a start time, it's likely to be 1.30 or 2. We'll sort details when we know we have enough players.


What time will it start? what time it expected to finish? where is it going to be played? totty or west leigh??? info info info!!!

Friendly April 14th

Totty will be hosting West Leigh Meths in a friendly game scheduled for Saturday 14th April. The format is 20/20 (though I'm sure we could tinker). We're looking for as many players as possible to make themselves available so we can get in some pre-season practice outdoors.

If you'd like to make yourself available, please drop me or Ashley an email - or blog here.

Tuesday, March 27

How long!?

2 hours to get from York to Bury? Are you hiring that driver we had for the dog night then? No hang on, we'd be getting back at 2am on Monday if you did.

Just had a call from Cliff, who was very pleased with the turnout for groundwork last weekend. He says there's just a bit more painting, mending and, hang on, something else ending in -ing to do, and that can people please come down this coming weekend, Sat March 31st from 9.30am to get it finished? Thanks!